Fig. 1.
Amino acid sequence alignment of Cc‐PRI3 with other PRI3‐related proteins. Cc‐PRI3 (cylindracin: alternatively proposed name in this study) has the same amino acid sequence as the sequence deduced from the Ac‐Pri3 gene (AF369627) in Cyclocybe chaxingu (syn. Agrocybe chaxingu) [20, 21]. Amino acid substitutions among the PRI3 proteins are indicated using a double underline. The N‐terminal 20 residues of the PRI3 proteins are predicted to be signal peptides [37]. Conserved cysteine residues are highlighted by a gray background. The sequences of synthetic peptides used as immunogens for production of antisera are indicated by underlines. Database accession numbers: Aa39‐Pri3, AF369623, AF369630; Aa41‐Pri3, AF369626, AF369632; Aa38‐Pri3b, AF369622, AF369629; Aa40‐Pri3a, AF369624, AF369631; Aa1‐Pri3a, AF369616, AF369634–369640. The N‐terminal 15 residues of agrocybin have been reported [22].