Table 2. Example exercise modifications incorporating Neurocognitive and Ecological Challenges.
Exercise | Neurocognitive load |
Strategic (no / low uncertainty in task-environment) |
Tactical (manipulation of uncertainty in the task-environment) |
Reactive (uncontrolled uncertainty in the task-environment) |
Instruction / feedback to improve knee flexion | Instruction / feedback to reduce knee abduction |
Box jumps. | Lower order: 1visual attention,2processing speed, 3reaction time, 4decision making, 5dual tasking. Higher order: 6inhibitory control, 7working memory |
Stand sideways in one of the quadrants of a square. Jump quickly along the course with self-chosen speed, height, direction, and turns.2 Options can include lateral, medial, forward, backward. | Stand sideways in one of the quadrants of a square. Jump along the course with self-chosen speed, height, direction, and turns.2 1) While doing this, throw and catch or dribble with a ball.5 1) While doing this, alternate between two legs and one leg. |
You and your partner are both in your own quadrant. 1) Your partner indicates different directions, turns, heights and speeds and you mimic your partner.1,2,4 2) Give each quadrant a number. Hop forward on one leg from one number to another, following a sequence that your partner calls out, such as 4-1-3-2.2 The call can be either before7 or while4 jumping. If possible do as a group with a visual cue. Can use visual cue patterns to indicate box jump pattern. 3) Hop forward on one leg. Look at your partner who is holding up a ball of a certain size (S/L) and side (L/R) quickly after each of your landings and immediately say the size and jump the direction indicated as quickly as possible.1,3,4 |
“Land as softly as you can.” “Pretend you are going to sit on a chair when landing.” “Make as less noise as possible when landing.“ “Pretend someone is sleeping next to you, don’t wake him up when you land!” “Pretend you are landing in a puddle of water, don’t splash it too much!” |
“Pretend you have headlights in your knees and point them forward.” “Make sure the tip of your shoes point forward when you land.” “Land on the targets on the floor.” |