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. 2024 Nov 4;27(11):e26372. doi: 10.1002/jia2.26372

Table 1.

Study population characteristics and factors associated with never hearing of PrEP, never taking PrEP and ever stopping PrEP

All participants (n = 399) Never heard of PrEP (n = 396) Never taken PrEP (n = 275) Ever stopped PrEP (n = 69)
n Column % n Row % aPR 95% CI n Row % aPR 95% CI n Row % aPR 95% CI
Total 399 100% 120 30.3 206 74.9 50 72.5
Sex assigned at birth
Male 83 20.8 20 24.1 1.17 0.77, 1.77 46 73.0 1.01 0.82, 1.23 13 76.5 0.94 0.60, 1.45
Female 316 79.2 100 31.6 160 75.5 37 71.2
Age group a
15–19 years 105 26.3 37 35.2 0.95 0.52, 1.73 61 91.0 1.31 1.06, 1.61 6 100.0 0.96 0.56, 1.67
20–24 years 213 53.4 69 32.4 1.08 0.59, 1.97 103 73.0 1.07 0.86, 1.34 27 71.1 0.87 0.56, 1.36
25–36 years 81 20.3 14 17.3 42 62.7 17 68.0
Marital or relationship status
Married or cohabitating 36 9.0 3 8.3 28 84.8 4 80.0
Not married or cohabitating 362 91.0 116 32 2.28 0.69, 7.52 178 73.6 0.89 0.72, 1.11 46 71.9 0.70 0.38, 1.26
Years of education
<12 209 52.5 73 34.9 0.98 0.73, 1.33 104 78.2 1.04 0.91, 1.20 20 69.0 0.81 0.53, 1.23
≥12 189 47.5 46 24.3 102 71.8 30 75.0
Weekly household income
≤1000 KES b 133 33.4 48 36.1 1.22 0.93, 1.59 64 76.2 0.99 0.84, 1.15 18 90.0 1.40 1.02, 1.93
>1000 KESb 265 66.6 71 26.8 142 74.3 32 65.3
Study site location
Kericho 181 45.4 84 46.4 1.45 0.90, 2.34 81 85.3 1.08 0.89, 1.31 12 85.7 1.23 0.74, 2.05
Homa Bay 218 54.6 36 16.5 125 69.4 38 69.1
Distance from home to study facility
≤3 km 96 24.3 14 14.6 61 75.3 15 75.0
>3 km 299 75.7 104 34.8 0.97 0.56, 1.70 143 74.5 0.86 0.73, 1.02 35 71.4 0.97 0.66, 1.42
Engaged in sex work or transactional sex
316 c 81.0 103 32.6 0.95 0.55, 1.63 154 73.7 0.89 0.72, 1.09 37 67.3 0.60 0.40, 0.92
Males who have sex with males
43 d 10.9 12 27.9 j j 15 48.4 j j 12 75.0 j j
Transgender identity
6 e 1.5 1 16.7 j j 3 60.0 j j 1 50.0 j j
Injection drug use
15 f 3.8 3 20.0 j j 9 80.0 j j 3 100 j j
Partner with HIV or unknown HIV status in the past 12 weeks
279 g 69.9 99 35.5 1.40 0.81, 2.41 136 76.4 1.14 0.95, 1.36 34 81.0 1.22 0.83, 1.79
Condom use for anal or (neo)vaginal sex in the past 12 weeks
Inconsistent 306 79.9 89 29.1 0.94 0.67, 1.31 159 74.3 0.99 0.83, 1.16 41 74.5 0.80 0.51, 1.27
Consistent 77 20.1 25 32.5 39 76.5 8 66.7
Alcohol and/or drugs before sex in the past 12 weeks
234 60.3 86 36.8 1.24 0.88, 1.74 113 76.4 1.06 0.90, 1.24 28 80.0 1.53 1.03, 2.26
Self‐reported STI in the past 12 weeks
44 11.5 8 18.2 0.75 0.43, 1.32 24 66.7 0.97 0.78, 1.20 10 83.3 1.05 0.69, 1.60
More than one course of HIV PEP in a lifetime
Yes 33 8.9 1 3 j j 10 31.3 0.43 0.27, 0.68 14 63.6 0.89 0.59, 1.34
No, or never heard of PEP 336 h 91.1 103 30.7 188 81.7 32 76.2
Knew someone who took PrEP
164 41.2 8 i 4.9 0.10 0.04–0.23 95 61.7 0.69 0.60, 0.80 43 72.9 0.88 0.49, 1.58

Notes: This table shows frequencies and column percentages for all study population characteristics; frequencies and row percentages for all three implementation gaps; and results from fully adjusted regression models for never heard of PrEP (n = 360), never taken PrEP (n = 239) and ever stopped PrEP (n = 60). Results for never heard of PrEP were limited to the 396 participants who answered the question about having heard about PrEP among the 399 participants who attempted the questionnaire. Results for never taken PrEP were limited to the 275 participants who answered the question about taking PrEP among the 276 participants who reported ever having heard about PrEP. Results for ever stopped PrEP included all 69 participants who reported taking PrEP, since they also all answered the question about stopping PrEP. For the regression models, statistically significant results are bolded. Missing data were handled using listwise deletion.

Abbreviations: aPR, adjusted prevalence ratio; CI, confidence interval; KES, Kenyan Shillings; PEP, post‐exposure prophylaxis; PrEP, pre‐exposure prophylaxis; STI, sexually transmitted infection.


Although individuals aged 14–55 years were eligible, only participants aged 15–36 years enrolled.


1000 KES was equivalent to approximately 7 USD at the time of the survey and was the 20th percentile of responses.


n = 260 reported their current occupation as “sex worker.”


Among 43 males who have sex with males, n = 19 also reported engaging in sex work/transactional sex and n = 2 also reported injection drug use.


Among six transgender participants, n = 3 were transgender women and n = 3 were transgender men; n = 2 also reported sex work/transactional sex and n = 2 reported engaging in both sex work/transactional sex and injection drug use.


Among 15 participants with injection drug use, n = 10 also reported engaging in sex work/transactional sex.


n = 12 participants had partners known to be living with HIV.


n = 114 had never heard of PEP; n = 184 had heard of PEP but had never taken it; n = 38 had taken one course of PEP.


Likely represents individuals who recalled knowing someone who took PrEP after being provided with information on PrEP during the survey.


Not included in the multivariable model because of insufficient sample size and/or collinearity.