Fig. 4.
Consistency of the dissimilarity index between the last prospecting year and the first settlement year for the four natal habitat types (N = 77 individuals). (A) Consistency values closer to zero indicate higher consistency between two dispersal phases. (B) Reversal values represent the proportion of individuals showing reversal preference between the two dispersal phases, switching from positive to negative (or vice versa). All boxplots are constructed based on simulation of 1000 replicates of individual coefficients, where tighter plots indicate lower uncertainty in the results39. Tukey’s HSD post hoc test letters provided where one-way ANOVA were p < 0.05 (different letters indicate significantly different means). Spearman rank correlations from the five-fold cross-validations were 0.73 ± 0.18. Refer to Table S4 for the proportion of significant tests for each natal habitat and dispersal phase.