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. 2024 Oct 26;14(10):e075820. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075820

Table 4. Association between type of associated impairments and clinical characteristics in children with CP (multivariate logistic regression model).

Epilepsy (n=82)OR (95% CI) Intellectual (n=439)OR (95% CI) Visual (n=41)OR (95% CI) Hearing (n=13)OR (95% CI) Speech (n=450)OR (95% CI)
 Male 1 1 1 1 1
 Female 0.74 (0.33 to 1.66) 1.27 (0.78 to 2.07) 0.95 (0.30 to 2.96) 2.75 (0.53 to 14.3) 1.03 (0.63 to 1.68)
Type and topography of CP
  Mono/hemi 0.18 (0.02 to 1.58) 0.99 (0.26 to 3.80) 0.98 (0.30 to 3.21) 0.45 (0.07 to 3.13) 0.22 (0.05 to 0.92)*
  Diplegia 0.09 (0.01 to 0.66)* 2.24 (0.20 to 25.6) 0.09 (0.02 to 0.57)*
  Quadriplegia 0.41 (0.05 to 3.00) 3.10 (0.84 to 11.5) 0.94 (0.24 to 3.71)
GMFCS level
 IIII 1 1 1 1 1
 VIV 2.75 (1.25 to 6.06)* 1.43 (0.92 to 2.22) 1.37 (0.49 to 3.78) 0.29 (0.05 to 1.74) 1.10 (0.70 to 1.73)
Weight-for-age z score (n=737)
 Normal 1 1 1 1 1
 Moderate underweight 0.80 (0.28 to 2.31) 1.39 (0.73 to 2.64) 1.11 (0.31 to 4.00) 4.49 (0.50 to 40.3) 1.12 (0.59 to 2.11)
 Severe underweight 2.27 (0.55 to 9.34) 1.59 (0.60 to 4.24) 0.21 (0.01 to 3.30) 2.35 (0.84 to 6.56)
Height-for-age z score (n=716)
 Normal 1 1 1 1 1
 Stunted 0.91 (0.33 to 2.52) 1.66 (0.91 to 3.06) 2.23 (0.66 to 7.47) 0.63 (0.05 to 8.10) 1.16 (0.63 to 2.15)
 Moderate 0.54 (0.16 to 1.82) 1.72 (0.80 to 3.71) 1.73 (0.36 to 8.29) 2.34 (0.20 to 28.0) 0.83 (0.39 to 1.77)
 Severe 2.09 (0.62 to 7.00) 1.27 (0.56 to 2.91) 0.83 (0.09 to 7.98) 0.93 (0.39 to 2.20)
Weight-for-height z score (n=579)
 Normal 1 1 1 1 1
 Wasted 0.89 (0.29 to 2.71) 1.70 (0.81 to 3.56) 2.57 (0.77 to 8.60) 1.30 (0.08 to 22.1) 1.64 (0.77 to 3.52)
 Moderate 0.58 (0.17 to 1.98) 0.78 (0.35 to 1.76) 0.61 (0.02 to 19.9) 1.17 (0.51 to 2.70)
 Severe 1.69 (0.49 to 5.90) 1.20 (0.48 to 3.02) 2.17 (0.39 to 12.0) 1.51 (0.61 to 3.73)
Head circumference
 Normocephalic 5.81 (0.56 to 60.2) 1.40 (0.42 to 4.46) 0.64 (0.21 to 1.94) 0.14 (0.01 to 2.00) 1.68 (0.50 to 5.61)
 Microcephalic 2.82 (0.27 to 29.7) 1.61 (0.47 to 5.50) 0.12 (0.01 to 1.87) 1.62 (0.47 to 5.54)
Maternal febrile illness during pregnancy 0.90 (0.35 to 2.30) 1.35 (0.73 to 2.49) 0.78 (0.06 to 9.44) 0.52 (0.29 to 0.95)
Mode of delivery
 Vaginal birth 1 1 1 1 1
 Caesarean section 1.01 (0.51 to 6.29) 1.03 (0.67 to 1.59) 2.08 (0.80 to 5.40) 2.50 (0.55 to 11.3) 0.75 (0.48 to 1.16)
 Instrumental delivery 2.22 (0.21 to 23.04) 1.21 (0.18 to 7.94)
Gestational age
 Term (≥37–41 weeks) 1 1 1 1 1
 Preterm (≤36 weeks) 2.28 (0.82 to 6.29) 0.82 (0.43 to 1.57) 0.30 (0.07 to 1.34) 2.33 (0.18 to 30.9) 0.78 (0.39 to 1.52)
 Post-term (>41 weeks) 1.22 (0.09 to 16.5) 0.49 (0.09 to 2.62) 0.08 (0.01 to 0.80)*
Low birth weight (<2500 gram) 0.51 (0.17 to 1.51) 0.55 (0.29 to 1.04) 3.96 (0.98 to 16.0) 0.13 (0.00 to 3.49) 0.64 (0.33 to 1.25)
Timing of injury causing CP
 Pre/perinatal 1 1 1 1 1
 Postneonatal 9.08 (3.63 to 22.7)*** 1.78 (0.85 to 3.69) 3.84 (1.07 to 8.78)* 2.96 (0.41 to 21.0) 0.93 (0.46 to 1.89)
 Unknown 1.14 (0.45 to 2.87) 0.79 (0.47 to 1.32) 1.10 (0.31 to 3.97) 0.70 (0.08 to 5.84) 0.83 (0.49 to 1.41)
Perinatal asphyxia 1.65 (0.80 to 3.40) 1.11 (0.70 to 1.76) 3.06 (1.07 to 8.78)* 1.65 (0.32 to 8.56) 1.77 (1.10 to 2.83)*
Neonatal jaundice 0.29 (0.07 to 1.24) 0.80 (0.40 to 1.61) 1.46 (0.26 to 8.09) 1.24 (0.12 to 13.2) 0.84 (0.40 to 1.75)
Maternal infection 0.89 (0.29 to 2.70) 1.45 (0.68 to 3.12) 0.18 (0.02 to 1.61) 3.28 (0.52 to 20.7) 2.28 (1.02 to 5.08)*
Consanguinity 3.30 (0.33 to 43.5) 2.87 (0.19 to 43.4) 0.34 (0.05 to 2.39)
Multiple births 1.05 (0.27 to 4.17) 0.55 (0.24 to 1.27) 1.06 (0.19 to 5.91) 0.90 (0.39 to 2.09)

*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. MACS classification and neuroimaging patterns were not included because of a small number of available data. – indicates that calculation of OR and 95% CI is non-applicable, since both groups are omitted or empty).

Analysis only for children under 61 months.

CPcerebral palsyGMFCSGross Motor Function Classification System