Cross sections containing B/D subunits of the pores of Open-CaNaMg
(A), Open-Ca10 (B), Open-Ca150
(C), Open-Na110 (D), Open-Na260 (E),
Open-Na610 (F), Open-CaNaMg/N619K (G), and
Closed-CaNaMg (H) are displayed. The cryo-EM density map (mesh)
and the atomic model are superimposed. The cryo-EM maps are displayed using
the indicated sigma values. Putative water and calcium ion are in red and
green spheres, respectively. The atomic models of the polypeptides of M2,
SF, and M3 are shown in yellow, orange, and sky blue, where elements are
colored according to oxygen=red, nitrogen=blue, and sulfate=yellow. Resides
that define the gate in the M3 of each structure are colored magenta. The
left bottom inset shows the locations of the key residues in the wild type
open pore. Each view is the orthogonal to the corresponding structure shown
in the previous figure. C2 maps are displayed (also see Table1).