Comparative bar plot shows that substituting clinical symptoms with paraclinical signs of the 2022 ICON results in a higher proportion of patients classified as ON. First, original ON criteria were dichotomized by joining definite and possible ON. For the adjusted criteria, all patients that were initially classified as NON (due to missing RAPD or dyschromatopsia), were reclassified as ON if they had MRI pathology of the affected optic nerve and were positive for at least one additional paraclinical criteria (i.e., OCT pathology or presence of AQP‐/MOG‐IgG/OCB). AQP4‐IgG, aquaporin 4‐IgG; ICON, international consensus criteria for optic neuritis; MOG‐IgG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein‐IgG; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NON, no ON; OCB, oligoclonal bands; OCT, optical coherence tomography; ON, optic neuritis; RAPD, relative afferent pupillary defect.