Fig. 5. SAP in films and coatings.
(A) UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra of SAP films before (black, solid) and after (colored) 660-nm (95 mW/cm2, 30 s), 520-nm (140 mW/cm2, 30 s), and 590-nm (25 mW/cm2, 120 s) light irradiation; the spectra were recorded under room temperature (solid) and liquid nitrogen (dashed), and the insets show photographic images of the SAP films before irradiation, immediately after irradiation, and after 85-s scanning. (B) Schematic illustration of spray coating an SAP solution on the surface of a white acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) model. (C) Movie screenshots of the SAP process of three black ABS models in response to 660-nm (top), 520-nm (middle), and 590-nm (bottom) light. (D) Schematic illustration of irradiating the “UESTC” by green and red light. (E) Photographic images of SAP coatings on smooth surfaces (glass and stainless steel) before (left) and after (right) light irradiation.