Table 1. ACLR Rehab Initial Phase (0-8 weeks) Neurocognitive Drills.
Exercise/Drill | Variables/progressions to enhance neuroplasticity | Neurocognitive Demand | Examples: |
Quad sets Straight leg raises (3 way) Knee extensions (90-40 deg) |
NMES EMG biofeedback Reactive cognitive motor task (BlazePods) |
Visual Cognitive Efferent firing Cognitive Dual task External focus of control Reaction time |
Quad set with NMES Straight leg raises while using UE to react to indicated BlazePod color Knee extensions using visual EMG biofeedback Virtual Reality Glasses |
Mini squats Standing TKEs |
Surface (i.e. foam, rocker board) Resistance Dual task (i.e ball toss or HecoStix) Reactive cognitive motor task (BlazePods, Neurocognitive Sensory station) Perturbations Cognitive task (counting, memory, etc.) Altered vision Contralateral limb/UE task |
Visual Cognitive Decision making Memory Dual task External focus of control Reaction time |
Mini squats on rocker board with external perturbations while throwing/catching a ball Standing TKE while using UE to react to indicated quickboard target |
Gait/stepping drills: Weight shifts Cone stepping Lateral lunges Lateral stepping (slides) Quick Board stepping drills |
Speed Direction (ant/post/lateral) Dual task (i.e ball toss or HecoStix) Cognitive task (counting, memory, etc.) Reactive cognitive-motor task |
Visual Cognitive Decision making Memory Dual task External focus of control Reaction time |
Weight shifts on force plates with visual feedback Multi-directional cone stepping counting backward by 7’s and tossing HecoStix Lateral lunges with sport cord perturbation and ball toss, landing on foam surface Lateral slides with resistance band around knees, reacting to verbal cues (direction, speed) and catching ball Rapid stepping in place with visual target, reacting to correct location on the board or surface (Quickboard) |
CKC neuromuscular exercises: Anterior/lateral step downs Multi-directional lunges |
Resistance Surface Dual task (i.e ball toss or HecoStix) Perturbation/resistance from CLX band Cognitive task (counting, memory, etc.) Reactive cognitive motor task (BlazePods) |
Visual Cognitive Decision making Memory Dual task External focus of control Reaction time |
Anterior step down from box with CLX band pulling into femoral IR and dynamic LE valgus (figure 8) Lateral lunges with sport cord perturbation and ball toss toward indicated direction. Athlete must react to indicated direction using light up pods (i.e. antero-lateral or postero-lateral) |
Single leg balance: SL RDL with UE task SL balance with band perturbations |
Resistance Surface Dual task (i.e. ball toss) Direction (star drill on floor) Visual targets Perturbation (KB exchange/resistance band) UE task (i.e cable row, med ball chop, reach) |
Visual Cognitive Decision making Memory Dual task External focus of control Reaction time |
SL RDL standing on foam while catching a ball and performing RDL to the indicated cone (5 cones set up in front of the patient) Single-leg balance with band resistance and valgus perturbations: The patient stands on a rocker board while resisting external forces, dribbling a basketball, and catching Hecostix with contralateral UE (figure 9) |
Dynamic shuffling | Speed Direction Visual targets (with/without distraction targets) Auditory cues (i.e direction/speed) Height/location of target Sport specific task (i.e catching basketball or lacrosse ball with stick) |
Visual Cognitive Decision making Memory Dual task External focus of control Reaction time |
Lateral Shuffles with BlazePod and Sport Specific Ball Catching (figure 11) |
NMES= neuromuscular electrical stimulation, EMG=Electromyographic, UE= upper extremity, CLX= continuous loop Theraband; IR= internal rotation, LE= lower extremity, SL= single limb, RDL= Romanian dead lift, KB= kettle bell