Fig 5. Constructed transcription map of major CRPV transcripts from Hershey CRPV tumor tissues.
(A) The predicted viral open reading frames (ORFs) with nucleotide coordinates are shown below. The colors marked 1–3 represent the frames used for translating individual viral proteins, with E6 ORF being set as frame 1. The URR stands for the upstream regulatory region. (B) Nucleotide positions of the mapped viral promoters (P), polyadenylation (pA) signals and cleavage sites (CS), and viral splicing donor and acceptor sites (see Figs 2–4 for details). Dashed arrows, putative promoters. (C) Structure of the most prevalent viral transcripts, named from A-AH, with thick lines representing the exons and thin lines for the introns (see S5 Table for details), with the coding potentials of individual transcripts displayed on the right side. The transcripts in red color indicate relatively abundant viral transcripts commonly detectable in Hershey CRPV tumor tissues.