Fig. 6. Spatial gene expression profilings of leaf trichome of T. duratii.
a Morphology of T. duratii showcasing dense trichomes on the surface. Scale bars, 5 cm (whole plant), 100 µm (trichome). b Cross-section of a T. duratii leaf illustrating the structure of leaf and trichomes with different cell types. Scale bars, 100 µm. c Cell clustering and identification of cell types in T. duratii leaf based on spatial transcriptomics, with visualization and annotation of identified cell types. Corresponding markers listed in Supplementary Data 4. Cell types distinguished by different colors. d Validation of trichome-specific marker genes using RNA in situ hybridization. Scale bars, 100 µm. e Enriched GO terms and pathways of DEGs between trichome 01 and trichome 02 clusters identified from spatial RNA-seq. Bonferroni multiple comparison hypergeometric test was performed for P values. f Monocle 3 analysis depicting the trajectory of leaf cells in T. duratii, highlighting trichome cells as the final cells to differentiate.