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. 2024 Nov 7;14:27155. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-74984-3

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and clinical features.

Variable Value
Age, mean (SD) 25.56 (9.58)
Diagnosis, N (%) Anorexia Nervosa 37 (49.3)
Bulimia Nervosa 16 (21.3)
Binge-Eating Disorders 10 (13.3)
OSFED 12 (16)
BMI per diagnosis, mean (SD) Anorexia Nervosa 15.56 (3.64)
Bulimia Nervosa 18.39 (6.05)
Binge-Eating Disorders 31.67 (10.59)
OSFED 18.09 (6.08)
Education, N (%) Middle School 11 (14.67)
3-year professional license 4 (5.33)
Diploma 46 (61.33)
Bachelor’s degree 9 (12.00)
Master’s degree 5 (6.67)
Employment, N (%) Student 46 (61.33)
Employed 25 (33.33)
Unemployed 4 (5.33)
Living condition, N (%) Living Alone 9 (12)
Living with parents 51 (68)
Living with partner 10 (13)
Living with flatmates 5 (6)
AQ Total Score, mean (SD) 23.23 (6.74)
AQ Total Score, N (%) Below cut-off 66 (88)
Above cut-off 9 (12)
AQ Social skills, mean (SD) 4.4 (2.56)
AQ Attention switching, mean (SD) 6.6 (1.93)
AQ Attention to detail, mean (SD) 5.5 (2.24)
AQ Comunication, mean (SD) 3.3 (2.01)
AQ Imagination, mean (SD) 3.3 (1.85)
RAADS-R Total Score, mean (SD) 84.84 (41.96)
RAADS-R Total Score, N (%) Below cut-off 24 (32)
Above cut-off 51 (68)
RAADS-R Social Relatedness, mean (SD) 39.39 (21.02)
RAADS-R Circumscribed Interests, mean (SD) 18.18 (9.44)
RAADS-R Language, mean (SD) 6.6 (4.72)
RAADS-R Sensory-motor, mean (SD) 20.20 (12.82)
EAT-26 Total Score, mean (SD) 36.36 (19.00)
EAT-26 Total Score, N (%) Below cut-off 20 (26.67)
Above cut-off 55 (73.33)
EAT-26 Dieting, mean (SD) 20.20 (10.81)
EAT-26 Bulimia and Food Preoccupation, mean (SD) 7.7 (5.03)
EAT-26 Oral Control, mean (SD) 8.8 (5.81)
SWEAA Total Score, mean (SD) 1.52 (5.55)
SWEAA Perception, mean (SD) 1.72 (7.83)
SWEAA Motor Control, mean (SD) 0.96 (9.65)
SWEAA Purchase of Food, mean (SD) 2.34 (3.07)
SWEAA Eating Behaviour, mean (SD) 1.74 (7.82)
SWEAA Mealtime Surrounding, mean (SD) 1.91 (9.81)
SWEAA Social Situation at Mealtime, mean (SD) 1.46 (4.57)
SWEAA Other Behaviour Associated with Disturbed Eating, mean (SD) 1.07 (0.65)
SWEAA Hunger/Satiety, mean (SD) 1.54 (5.05)
SWEAA Simultaneous Capacity, mean (SD) 0.88 (8.21)
SWEAA Pica, mean (SD) 0.05 (0.28)
SPQ-SF35 Total Score, mean (SD) 52.52 (14.95)
SPQ-SF35 Vision, mean (SD) 10.10 (3.46)
SPQ-SF35 Smell, mean (SD) 15.15 (4.70)
SPQ-SF35 Taste, mean (SD) 4.4 (2.66)
SPQ-SF35 Touch, mean (SD) 13.57 (5.61)
SPQ-SF35 Hearing, mean (SD) 8.8 (2.82)

AQ = Autism Quotient; BMI = Body Mass Index; EAT-26 = Eating Attitude Test – 26 items; OSFED = Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder; N = numerosity; RAADS-R = Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised; SD = Standard deviation. SPQ-SF35 = Sensory Perception Quotient - Short Form 35 items; SWEAA = Swedish Eating Assessment for Autism spectrum disorders.