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. 2024 Oct 24;12:1447335. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1447335

Table 2.

T-test for independent samples of the experimental and control groups on social norms, self-efficacy, behavioural intention, and behaviour.

Post-test 1a Post-test 1b Post-test 1c Post-test 2a Post-test 2b
Variables t df p-value t df p-value t df p-value t df p-value t df p-value
SSN1 5.263 139 <0.001 3.612 137 <0.001 3.563 136 0.001 5.037 136 <0.001 3.5 97 0.001
SSN2 5.175 139 <0.001 3.404 137 0.001 3.884 136 <0.001 7.214 136 <0.001 4.831 97 <0.001
SSN3 5.531 139 <0.001 3.732 137 <0.001 4.358 136 <0.001 7.12 136 <0.001 3.868 97 <0.001
SSN4 5.195 139 <0.001 4.225 137 <0.001 4.176 136 <0.001 7.55 136 <0.001 4.698 97 <0.001
SSN5 5.624 139 <0.001 4.225 137 <0.001 4.839 136 <0.001 6.535 136 <0.001 4.053 97 <0.001
SSN6 5.66 139 <0.001 4.065 137 <0.001 4.626 136 <0.001 6.885 136 <0.001 5.123 97 <0.001
SSN7 6.773 139 <0.001 5.515 137 <0.001 5.982 136 <0.001 6.162 136 <0.001 4.787 97 < 001
SSN8 7.201 139 <0.001 5.191 137 <0.001 6.481 136 <0.001 6.809 136 <0.001 5.353 97 <0.001
Self-efficacy 2.563 139 0.011 1.495 68,16 0.140 1.237 69.36 0.220 2.505 53.80 0.015 2.055 53.80 0.007
Intention 2.472 139 0.015 2.508 137 0.013 1.869 136 0.064 3.230 136 0.002 2.913 97 0.004
Behaviour 0.863 137 0.389 2.064 136 0.041 3.158 97 0.002
Post-test 3a Post-test 3b Post-test 4a Post-test 4b Post-test 4c
t df p-value t df p-value t df p-value t df p-value t df p-value
SSN1 5.052 94 <0.001 3.868 82 <0.001 6.896 81 <0.001 4.736 81 <0.001 3.655 81 <0.001
SSN2 5.984 94 <0.001 3.936 82 <0.001 6.819 81 <0.001 3.394 81 0.001 2.718 81 0.008
SSN3 5.584 94 <0.001 3.483 82 0.001 4.944 81 <0.001 4.388 81 <0.001 3.186 81 0.002
SSN4 6.138 94 <0.001 3.986 82 <0.001 6.282 81 <0.001 5.452 81 <0.001 3.873 81 <0.001
SSN5 4.447 94 <0.001 4.346 82 <0.001 6.655 81 <0.001 4.488 81 <0.001 3.937 81 <0.001
SSN6 5.905 94 <0.001 3.943 82 <0.001 7.318 81 <0.001 4.414 81 <0.001 3.738 81 <0.001
SSN7 4.75 94 <0.001 4.148 82 <0.001 5.667 81 <0.001 4.017 81 <0.001 4.201 81 <0.001
SSN8 4.808 94 < 001 4.555 82 <0.001 5.044 81 <0.001 3.235 81 0.002 4.778 81 <0.001
Self-efficacy 3.121 49.69 0.003 2.718 51.50 0.009 2.707 48.19 0.009 2.724 51.45 0.009 2.087 81 0.040
Intention 3.838 55.44 <0.001 2.784 51.27 0.008 3.331 51.17 0.002 2.374 81 0.020 2.789 81 0.007
Behaviour 3.015 82 0.003 2.172 81 0.033 2.031 81 0.046

SSN, subjective social norm; SSN1, Outdoors they put on a mask if they cannot keep a safe distance away; SSN2, Indoors they keep a mask on in the presence of non-cohabitants; SSN3, They think that meeting with many people indoors is a risk; SSN4, They avoid crowded indoor places; SSN5, They wear masks when driving with non-cohabitants; SSN6, They avoid sitting indoors in bars, preferring to sit outdoors; SSN7, They make sure not to share a cup/bottle when they go out; SSN8, They make sure not to share a plate when going out.