ADP-LNPs efficiently
deliver Cre mRNA in utero to Ai9 mice after
an ICV injection. (A) Schematic describing the experimental protocol
used to evaluate the transfection efficiency of Cre mRNA delivered
by ADP-LNPs into the mouse brain in utero. Fetal Ai9 mice received
ICV injections of LNPs on day E15.5 and were analyzed 48 h later on
day E17.5. (B) Whole fetus imaging reveals significant td-Tomato expression
in the brains and spinal cords of fetuses treated with ADP-LNP/Cre
mRNA complexes, compared to the negligible background signal in PBS-treated
control Ai9 mice, indicating efficient transfection. (C) Flow cytometry
analysis of the fetal brain 48 h post ICV injection reveals an average
transfection rate of 28.87 ± 0.69% (D) among total brain cells,
demonstrating global transfection of the fetal brain (data are represented
as mean ± SEM, n = 3, ****p < 0.0001). (E) Histological examination of brain sections indicates
that the majority of td-Tomato-positive cells are localized within
the GE, VZ, and SVZ (a). Higher magnification image of the VZ, SVZ
(b), and GE (c) showing extensive transfection in these proliferative
regions. (d) H&E staining of an adjacent coronal section showing
the overall brain structure for comparison. (F) Immunohistochemical
staining further characterizes the td-Tomato-positive cells and demonstrates
that most transfected cells are proliferating neural stem and progenitor
cells (Sox2+/Nestin+/Ki67+), confirming that ADP-LNPs can efficiently
transfect stem and progenitor cell populations within the fetal brain.