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. 2024 Oct 31;13(21):3501. doi: 10.3390/foods13213501

Table 5.

NIR test results for milk.

Sample Investigated Parameter Concentration Range Chemometrics Data References
Pre-Treatment, Regression R2 Root Mean Square Error
Milk Sugar—lactose, % 2.06–5.06 RS, PLS 0.83 0.26 [146]
3.30–4.29 1st der., PLS 0.90 0.11 [147]
2.92–5.22 transmittance, 1st der., OSC, RiPLS 0.883 0.115 [148]
3.9–5.2 normalization, PLS 0.92 0.06 [149]
3.09–4.70 ANN 0.8822 0.238 [163]
3.98–5.1 MSC, 1st der., OSC, Rt-RiPLS 0.689 0.077 [152]
Log base, 1st der., OSC, PH-RiPLS 0.644 0.092
raw 3.97–4.89 SGS, PLS 0.78 0.11 [153]
homogenized SGS, SNV, PLS 0.71 0.12
4.14–5.25 RS, PLS 0.13 0.87 (RPD) [155]
Sugar, % SNV, MC, PDS, PLS [165]
sucrose 14.20–43.69 0.7973 5.04
lactose 0.000–38.99 0.9411 4.22
Lactose free, % 0–1 1st der., SNV, PLS 0.79 0.1984 [164]
Carbohydrate, g/100 mL 2.5–13.5 SGS, 2nd der., PLS 0.883 0.639 [154]
Fat, % 1.01–7.39 RS, PLS 0.95 0.25 [146]
5.66–11.06 1st der., PLS 0.73 0.66 [147]
2.72–7.94 transmittance, SNV, GA-PLS 0.997 0.043 [148]
0.7–12.3 normalization, PLS 0.998 0.09 [149]
0.13–7.25 PLS 0.98 0.232 [158]
0.992 0.148
0.1–3.7 SGS, 2nd der., PLS 0.969 0.216 [154]
0–3.9 1st der., MSC, PLS 0.98 0.002 [157]
1.54–6.25 DT, 2nd der., OSC, PH-RiPLS 0.989 0.078 [152]
DT, 2nd der., Rt-FiPLS 0.989 0.083
2.09–5.76 SGS, PLS 0.97 0.18 [153]
SGS, SNV, PLS 0.99 0.11
1.03–5.02 MC, SNV, SGS, SSDL 0.95 0.22 [161]
1.86–5.96 DT, PLS 0.93 3.73 (RPD) [155]
Milk Fatty acids, mg/mL SGS, SNV, SVM [174]
C4:0 0.08–0.325 0.87 0.03
C6:0 0.004–0.21 0.83 0.02
C14:0 0.019–1.208 0.82 0.11
C16:0 0.044–3.381 0.74 0.35
C18:1C9 0.048–1.75 0.84 0.12
SFA 0.128–6.553 0.83 0.59
MUFA 0.056–2.128 0.87 0.15
SCFA 0.011–0.505 0.88 0.04
BCFA 0.004–0.141 0.83 0.01
PUFA. mg/g: C18:2 0.63–59.88 2nd der., MSC, MPLS 0.58 8.40 [169]
C22:6 0.05–0.16 0.75 0.01
ω6 0.63–60.09 0.58 8.41
ω6/ω3 3.51–12.34 0.76 0.94
Total fatty acid, % SNV, DT, MSC, 1st der., MPLS [170]
SFA 36.74–78.06 0.96 2.03
MUFA 17.73–50.65 0.81 4.13
PUFA 2.02–14.08 0.80 0.95
trans FA 0.35–29.05 0.84 2.95
SFA 59.7–89.5 1st der., PLS 0.72 1.86 [171]
MUFA 9.30–38.2 2nd der., SNV, PLS 0.83 2.12
PUFA 1.21–7.20 2nd der., SNV, PLS 0.55 1.97
SCFA 2.97–9.87 2nd der., SNV, PLS 0.87 2.25
MCFA 40.61–71.77 2nd der., SNV, PLS 0.43 1.79
Acidity, °T 16.0–24.8 ANN 0.9709 0.380 [163]
pH 6.50–7.01 1st der., PLS 0.42 0.105 [147]
Protein, % 2.77–4.38 RS, PLS 0.72 0.15 [146]
5.30–7.00 1st der., PLS 0.84 0.21 [147]
2.65–5.01 reflectance, 1st der., OSC, GA-PLS 0.959 0.099 [148]
2.4–4.0 normalization, PLS 0.98 0.05 [149]
6.45–6.95 ANN 0.9645 0.0202 [163]
2.61–4.77 SNV, PLS 0.77 1.84 (RPD) [155]
Milk raw 2.88–3.59 MSC, PLSR-UVE-PLS 0.92 0.06 [151]
homogenized 0.96 0.04
2.63–4.34 SNV, 1st der., OSC, PH-FiPLS 0.947 0.08 [152]
DT, 2nd der., OSC, Rt-RiPLS 0.894 0.11
raw 2.94–4.33 SGS, PLS 0.85 0.16 [153]
homogenized SGS, SNV, PLS 0.90 0.13
1.3–7 SGS, 2nd der., PLS 0.883 0.290 [154]
Casein, % 2.03–3.70 DT, PLS 0.70 1.80 (RPD) [155]
Urea, mg/100 mL 10.41–15.73 RS, PLS 0.53 1.5 [146]
13.6–33.2 1st der., OSC, GA, PLS, RiPLS n.i RPD < 1.2 [148]
12.1–38.0 normalization, PLS 0.82 1.932 [149]
5.10–31.70 SNV, DT, PLS 0.43 1.18 (RPD) [155]
Freezing pont, °C −0.66–−0.47 1st der., PLS 0.90 0.02 [147]
−0.503–−0.548. SNV, PLS 0.22 0.64 (RPD) [155]
SCC, cell/μL 7.00–2837 RS, PLS 0.03 0.22 (RPD)
Log SCC, log cells/mL 3.78–5.84 RS, PLS 0.68 0.28 [146]
3.5–6.0 normalization, PLS 0.85 0.18 [149]
Fat:protein ratio 0.82–3.43 DT 0.71 1.74 [155]
Total solid content, % 9.42–15.12 [153]
raw SGS, PLS 0.96 0.28
homogenized SGS, SNV, PLS 0.98 0.21
Carotenoids, μg/mL; cis9-β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin 0.11–1.04 SNV, MSC, DT, 1st der., 2nd der., MPLS >0.50 0.01 [170]
Vitamin A, μg retinol/mL 0.03–1.33 SNV, DT, MSC, MPLS 0.34 0.15
Density kg/m3 1029.66–1039.94 1st der., PLS 0.88 1.07 [147]
Fat free dry matter, % 9.53–12.45 1st der., PLS 0.90 0.29
Ash, % 0.87–1.14 1st der., PLS 0.89 0.03
Contamination 4–9 log cfu/mL MC, SNV, PLS [223]
E. coli 0.936 0.284
P. aeruginosa 0.597 0.0202
E. coli + P. aeruginosa 0.8822 0.584
Milk Progesterone (real-time), ng/mL 0.10–12.61 2nd der., PLS 0.93 1.06 [224]
3.92–21.37 0.89 1.22
0.03–10.78 0.93 0.92
0.01–4.86 0.91 0.43
Classification adulterated MSC, 2nd der., DPLS Accuracy: 100% [197]
lactose (no or yes) PLS-DA Sensitivity: 90% or 100%
Specificity: 100% or 90%
E. coli, P. aeruginisa MC, SNV, PLS-DA correct prediction 99% [223]
Salmonella sp. 2nd der., PLS-DA Sensitivity: 100%
Specificity: 100%
geographical origin SGS, FUDT, kNN accuracy 98.67% [220]
geographical origin SGS, SNV, kNN, FD-LDA accuracy: 97.33% [221]
water EPO, RSDE accuracy: 98%; reliability: 98% [200]
water RS, DTC or RFC, or kNN accuracy: 100% [201]
melamine RS, PLS-DA Sensitivity and specificity 100% [214]
melamine OPLS-DA R2X: 0.996, R2Y: 0.964, Q2: 0.933 [217]
Adulteration with water, % 1–97 MSC, PLS 0.997 2.159 [197]
0–70 MC, SNV, SGS, SSDL 0.80 0.12 [161]
1–30 RS, BRT 0.95 0.58 [200]
0–40% RS, kNN, SVML 0.999 0.353 [201]
Adulteration with melamine, % 0.001–0.29 OCPLS Sensitivity. specificity, accuracy
90%.; 88%; 89%
1–20 SNV, PLS 0.98–2.99 matrix dependent [217]
Adulteration with whey, % 2.15–48.40 MSC, PLS 0.999 0.244 [197]
0.01–0.29 1st der., UVE-PLS 0.97 0.015 [214]
Flavoured milk drink Moisture, % 77.13–80.83 2nd der., PLS and ANN 0.982; 0.989 0.778; 0.744 [168]
Water activity 0.963–0.982 2nd der., PLS and ANN 0.996; 0.984 0.764; 0.725
Total soluble solids, % 19.16–22.86 2nd der., PLS and ANN 0.687; 0.946 0.727; 0.754
pH 6.35–6.66 2nd der., PLS and ANN 0.955; 0.955 0.723; 0.711
Colour, BI 15.915–19.630 2nd der., PLS and ANN 0.988; 0.978 0.703; 0.713
Milk brands Classification MSC, EELM accuracy: 100% [226]
SGS, PCA, LDA, iNLDA, FiNLDA, KNN accuracy: 74.7% (LDA), 88% (iNLDA), 94.76% (FiNLDA) [227]
Human milk Moisture, % 83.18–94.26 2nd der., PLS 0.90 0.5149 [167]
Fat, g/100 mL 1.56–6.37 2nd der., PLS 0.70 0.4274
0.51–5.30 RS, PLS 0.841 0.51 [228]
Ash 0.09–0.40 2nd der., PLS 0.64 0.0507 [167]
Protein, g/100 mL 0.45–5.04 2nd der., PLS 0.70 0.3581
0.27–2.50 RS, PLS 0.512 0.21 [228]
Carbohydrates, g/100 mL 2.73–10.63 2nd der., PLS 0.70 0.6063 [167]
2.34–8.80 RS, PLS 0.741 1.35 [228]
Total solid content, g/100 mL 3.27–14.60 RS, PLS 0.686 2.42
Energy, kcal/100 mL 33.80–87.04 2nd der., PLS 0.83 3.7848 [167]
15.60–86.00 SNV, 1st der., PLS 0.830 9.60 [228]
Classification—lactation phases Colostrum
MSC, PLS-DA Sensitivity, Specificity
87.5%, 90.3%
56.3%, 71.9%
93.8%, 93.8%
Bovine colostrum adulterated milk MSC, PLS-DA Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy
84.62%, 100%, 94.74%
Infant formula Moisture, % 2–13 PLS 0.99 0.62 [229]
Storage time, months 0–3–6–12 PLS 0.97 n.i. [230]
FAST index 1.88–21.54 RS, PLS 0.78 n.i.
Soluble protein, % 0.77–5.29 RS, PLS 0.86 n.i.
Fat, % 24.94–28.65 SNV, PLS 0.74 n.i.
SFF, % 0.02–2.60 PLS 0.88 n.i.
Classification PLS-DA accuracy 100%
Adulteration with melamine, μg/g 17.3–2000 1st der., MC-OSC, ANN, SVR, LS-SVM n.i. 6.1 [212]
Milk powder Carbohydrates, % 50.73–60.28 SNV, LS-SVM 0.982 0.384 [231]
Fat, % 15.93–21.80 RS, LS-SVM 0.981 0.247
Protein, % 14.82–18.14 SNV, LS-SVM 0.984 0.148
18.0–32.6 SNV, MRMR-PLS 0.99 0.37 [232]
Moisture, % 4–10 MC, 2nd der., PLS 0.9822 0.1730 [166]
Mineral content, Ca-mg/100 g 243.1–722.8 SGS, SNV, UVE-SPA-LS-SVM 0.85 0.18 [178]
Classification brands MRMR-PLS-DA accuracy: 100% [232]
Milk powder Adulteration, % 14.6–2000 1st der., MC-OSC, Poly-PLS n.i. 0.28 [212]
melamine, μg/g
corn starch
wheat flour
0–30 MSC, 1st der., PLS
2nd der., MSC, PLS
Goat milk Lactose, % 2.06–5.06 RS, PLS 0.935 0.050 [175]
Fat, % 2.27–5.61 RS, PLS 0.924 0.154 [175]
0.9–4.2 13MM-LBC, iSPA-PLS 0.96 0.20 [209]
Protein, % 2.33–3.41 RS, PLS 0.888 0.111 [175]
2.95–5.03 13MM-BO-LBC, PLS 0.96 0.047 [209]
Total solid content, % 10.30–13.76 RS, PLS 0.899 0.334 [175]
Fat free solids, % 7.19–8.81 RS, PLS 0.812 0.191
Freezing point, °C −0.599–−0.527 RS, PLS 0.833 0.005
Titratable acidity, °SH 4.60–8.20 RS, PLS 0.878 0.469
pH 5.69–6.92 RS, PLS 0.703 0.076
Adulteration, 1.0154–100 SPA, PLS 0.9955 3.66 [209]
cow milk, %
water, urea, bovine, whey or cow milk 0–20% 1st der., MC, SNC, PLS-DA for authentication and adulteration sensitivity and specificity 100% [199]
Classification adulterated PLS-DA accuracy: 100% [209]
Goat milk powder Adulteration, % [207]
urea 0.5–10 area normalization, PLS 0.992 0.321
melamine 0.01–10 Area normalization, PLS 1.000 0.042
starch 1–30 smoothing, PLS 1.000 0.139
Goat dairy products adulteration with cow milk, % 10; 15; 20% MC, 2nd der., PLS-DA with iPLS Sensitivity, specificity
100% for both sample groups
cheese 0–50 PLS 0.783 2.454 [183]
Camel milk Adulteration with cow milk, % 0–20 1st der., PLS 0.92 1.32 [208]
Classification pure or adulterated PLS-DA 0.97 0.08
Plant milk Sugar, % (glucose) 0.5–7.6 1st der, MNSN, iPLS 0.84 0.98