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. 2024 Oct 23;13(21):6337. doi: 10.3390/jcm13216337

Table 4.

Results obtained from the analysis of RCTs under study.

Ref. Features of the Samples Products Administered and Respective Doses Treatment Duration Results Outcomes Assessment
[88] 163 subjects between 18 and 65 years old with chronic constipation Powder in sachet of
Lactiplantbaccilus (1011)
1 month Greater increase
frequency of defecation in the active group
All subjects completed an electronic stool diary
during the study
[87] 64 children and adolescents between 3 and 17 years old with com constipation Powder in sachet of
Bifidobacterium + Lactobacillus + Lacticaseibacillus + Ligilactobacillus +
prebiotic substrates (1010)
3 months Increase in weekly
frequency of spontaneous bowel movements greater in the active group
Parents reported in a logbook the daily frequency and consistency of their child’s stool
[121] 60 men over 18 years old with constipation Capsule of Bifidobacterium + Lactobacillus +
Streptococcus +
1 month Greater increase
frequency of defecation and improvement in the Bristol scale in the active group
Assessed by “patient assessment of constipation symptoms questionnaire” and Bristol stool form scale
[122] 49 women between 10 and 50 years old with constipation Solution of
2 months Greater increase frequency of defecation and improvement in the Bristol scale in the active group Assessed by Bristol Stool Form Scale
[123] 100 subjects between 20 and 64 years old with gastric symptoms Solution of
1 month Greater relief of postprandial discomfort in the active group Evaluated by Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale and Frequency Scale for Symptoms of
Gastroesophageal Reflux
[85] 109 subjects over 18 years old with celiac disease Powder in sachet of
Lactobacillus +
2 months Greater decrease in overall symptom severity and improvement in the Bristol Scale in the active group Assessed by IBS Severity Symptom Score and Bristol Stool Form Scale
[93] 103 subjects over
18 years old with IBS
Capsule of Lactobacillus +
Propionibacterium + Bifidobacterium
6 months Greater reduction of abdominal pain, distension, rumbling, and flatulence in the active group Abdominal symptoms were followed by a symptom
[94] 64 subjects
18 and 75 years old with IBS
Powder in sachet of Lactobacillus + Bifidobacterium + prebiotic inulin
1 month The reduction in the severity of flatulence was greater in the active group Evaluated by a daily diary, Bristol Stool Form Scale, and Visual Analogue Scale
[95] 52 subjects between
18 and 75 years old with IBS
Medical device with
Bacillus coagulans +
1 month Greater reduction in bloating and abdominal discomfort in the
active group
Evaluated by Visual
Analogue Scale
[112] 400 subjects
18 and 55 years old with IBS-D
Capsule of Bacillus + Bifidobacterium +
Lactobacillus + Lactococcus + Streptococcus
4 months Improvement in abdominal pain, gastrointestinal changes and higher quality of life in the active group Evaluated by IBS Symptom Severity Score and IBS Quality of Life
[119] 163 subjects over 18 years old with
Solution of Lactobacillus vs. solution of
Lactobacillus +
7 days Decreased fecal pH, intestinal transit time, frequency of sensation of incomplete evacuation, and hard stools Evaluated by stool samples, red carmine capsule method, and Garrigues
constipation questionnaires
[96] 16 subjects between 18 and 75 years old with IBS Capsule of Lactobacillus
1 month The number of weeks with symptom relief was greater in placebo group than in the active group Evaluated by an IBS sum score and Bristol Stool
Form Scale
[113] 36 subjects between 18 and 55 years old with
Tablet of Bacillus
3 months Reduction of symptoms such as bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and improvement in stool frequency and consistency greater in the active group Measured by modified gastrointestinal discomfort questionnaire, Bristol Stool Form Scale, and Visual
Analogue Scale
[97] 153 subjects between 18 and 60 years old with IBS Capsule of Bacillus
2 months Greater reduction of symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, sensation of incomplete evacuation and flatulence in the active group Evaluated by IBS
symptoms score
[114] 30 subjects
18 and 75 years old with IBS-D
Capsule of Bifidobacterium + Lactobacillus
1 month Normalization of intestinal permeability and improvement of stool consistency, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and psychological well-being greater in the active group Evaluated by Visual Analogue Scale, IBS quality of life questionnaire, and “yes” or “no” questions
[78] 86 subjects between
20 and 65 years old with IBS
Solution of Lactobacillus +
Propionibacterium + Bifidobacterium
5 months Greater reduction in pain, distension, rumbling, and flatulence in the active group Symptoms were followed by a diary
[120] 41 women between
20 and 69 years old with IBS-O
Solution of Streptococcus + Lactobacillus
1 month Reduction of maximal abdominal distension and verification of greater colonic acceleration in the active group Measured by expiratory breath samples and radio-opaque marker ingestion
[98] 56 subjects over
18 years old with IBS
Capsule of Bifidobacterium + Lactobacillus
2 months Reduction in overall symptom severity in both groups, but more significant in the active group at week 8 Evaluated by a
questionnaire to assess
IBS symptoms
[99] 74 subjects
18 and 70 years old with IBS
Solution of Streptococcus + Lactobacillus +
2 months Overall symptom severity reduction was more visible in the active group at week 1 of treatment, but no difference existed between the active group versus controls at the end of the treatment Assessed by a daily
questionnaire, Bristol Stool Form Scale, and Quality of Life Questionnaire
[100] 122 subjects
18 and 68 with IBS
Capsule of Bifidobacterium
1 month Greater reduction of pain, abdominal distension, and urgency to defecate in the active group Evaluated by 7-point
Likert scale
[101] 152 subjects between
18 and 65 years old with IBS
Suspension of
Lactobacillus +
Enterococcus (109)
3 months Greater reduction in the overall symptom severity in the active group Measured by IBS Severity Symptom Score
[80] 150 subjects between
18 and 65 years old with IBS-O
Capsule of Lactobacillus vs. Capsules of
Lactobacillus +
2 months Symptoms reduction and improvements in Bristol Scale up to 60 days and maintenance up to 30 days after higher dose in active groups Assessed by a
questionnaire of symptoms, health-related quality of life questionnaire, and Bristol Stool Form Scale
[102] 40 subjects
18 and 65 years old with IBS
Powder in sachet of
3 months Greater reduction of abdominal pain, rumbling, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and improvement of intestinal transit and stool consistency in the active group Evaluated by Digestive Symptom Frequency
questionnaire, IBS Symptom Severity Score, Bristol Stool Form Scale, and Quality of Life questionnaire
[115] 34 subjects over
18 years old with IBS-D or
Powder in sachet of
Streptococcus + Lactobacillus + Bifidobacterium (109)
vs. Low in FODMAPs diet
1 month There was a reduction in the overall severity of symptoms and an improvement in the Bristol scale in both groups, but without significant difference between groups Assessed by IBS Severity Symptom Score, Bristol Stool Form Scale, and
Quality of Life
[116] 200 subjects
18 and 65 years old with IBS-D
Capsule of Bifidobacterium
3 months There was a reduction in overall symptom severity and anxiety scores and an improvement in stool consistency and higher quality of life in the active group Measured by IBS Severity Symptom Score, Bristol Stool Form Scale, Quality of Life questionnaire, Abdominal Pain Numeric Rating Scale, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Adults questionnaire
[89] 60 subjects
18 and 65 years old with IBS
Tablet of Bifidobacterium + Lactobacillus (1011) 2 months Greater reduction of
abdominal bloating, in the active group
Assessed by a seven-point scale
[117] 80 subjects
18 and 60 years old with IBS-D
Powder in sachet of
Bifidobacterium +
Lactobacillus +
2 months Greater overall improvement in symptoms in the active group at week 8 and faster relief of flatulence in the active group at week 4 were noticeable Evaluated by IBS Severity Symptoms Score
[81] 30 subjects
18 and 65 years old with IBS-O
Solution of Streptococcus + Lactobacillus +
Bifidobacterium +
dietary fiber
1 month Increase in species in feces higher in active group; however, after discontinuation they returned to initial values Participants collected their stool samples, and they were analyzed by real-time PCR
[103] 389 subjects over 18 years old with IBS Probiotic lysate of
Escherichia coli and
7 months The improvement in the global assessment did not obtain significant differences, except concerning abdominal pain in IBS-D Measured by IBS Global Assessment of Improvement Scale and 11-point numeric rating scale
[104] 80 subjects
30 and 60 years old with IBS
Capsule of Lactobacillus
2 months Pain, bloating, and flatulence improved in both groups, in great numbers in the active group but without statistical significance IBS symptom score was assessed with Visual
Analogue Scale
[84] 200 subjects
18 and 65 years old with IBS-D
Capsule of Clostridium butyricum
1 month Improvement in quality of life, severity of symptoms, bowel habits, and higher stool frequency in the active group Assessed by IBS Severity Symptom Score and Quality of Life questionnaire
[105] 104 subjects
18 and 65 years old with IBS
Solution of Lactobacillus
3 months Only the probiotic group significantly increased serotonin serum levels Assessed with Center of Epidemiology Studies Depression Revised
questionnaire and
hormonal analysis
[106] 50 subjects
18 and 70 years old with IBS
Capsule of Lactobacillus
1 month Reduction in symptoms severity in both groups,
without significant
difference. Some improvement in abdominal pain in the active group in IBS-D
Measured by IBS Severity Scoring System and
Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index
[107] 240 subjects
18 and 70 years old with IBS
Capsule of Lactobacillus
1 month Greater improvement in abdominal pain and distension, sensation of incomplete emptying and higher stool frequency in the active group Measured by a Visual
Analogue Scale and the daily number of stools were registered at each visit
[108] 340 subjects
18 and 65 years old with IBS
Capsule of Lactobacillus
(109) vs. (1010)
3 months Reduced sensation of major abdominal pain with both doses in the active groups Evaluated by IBS Symptom Severity Score and IBS Quality of Life
[82] 307 subjects
18 and 70 years old with IBS-D
Capsule of Lactobacillus
(109) vs. (1010)
2 months Decreased symptom severity at both doses, but greater response with higher dose Assessed by IBS Symptom Severity Score
[109] 133 subjects
18 and 74 years old with IBS
Capsule of Lactobacillus
2 months Greater overall symptom reduction in the probiotic group and the low-FODMAPs diet group compared to the normal diet Measured by IBS Symptom Severity Score, IBS Quality of Life questionnaire, and Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale
[118] 84 subjects
20 and 70 years old with IBS-D
Capsule of Lactobacillus + Pediococcus
(109) vs. (1010)
2 months Improvement in quality of life and greater gut-specific anxiety in the active group in both doses Measured by Quality-of-Life questionnaire and
Visceral Sensitivity Index Scale
[110] 38 subjects over
18 years old with IBS
Bifidobacterium (1010) 2 months Greater improvement in
anxiety, depression, and decreased increased amygdala activation in the active group
Assessed by functional magnetic ressonance
imaging and hospital anxiety and depression scale
[111] 103 subjects between 20 and 65 years old with IBS Capsule of Lactobacillus +
Propionibacterium + Bifidobacterium
6 months Greater reduction of pain, rumbling, bloating, and flatulence in the active group The participants completed a symptom diary

Abbreviations: IBS: irritable bowel syndrome; IBS-D: diarrhea predominant IBS; IBS-M: IBS alternating between constipation and diarrhea; IBS-O: constipation predominant IBS; low-in FODMAPS diet: diet low in oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and non-fermentable polyols.