Significantly altered lipoproteins. Both p-value and FDR comparisons are shown for unadjusted and adjusted data. Abbreviations; AD—Alzheimer’s disease, Con—Healthy control, FDR—False discovery rate, FC—Fold change, HDL—High-density lipoprotein, H1A2—HDL-1 Apo-A2, H2A2—HDL-2 Apo-A2, IDTG—IDL triglycerides, LDL–Low-density lipoprotein, LDTG—LDL triglycerides, L4TG—LDL-4 triglycerides, L5TG—LDL-5 triglycerides, L6TG—LDL-6 triglycerides, SD—Standard deviation, TPTG—Total triglycerides, VLFC—VLDL free cholesterol, VLPL—VLDL phospholipids, VLTG—VLDL triglycerides, V1CH—VLDL-1 cholesterol, V1FC—VLDL-1 free cholesterol, V1PL—VLDL-1 phospholipids, V1TG—VLDL-1 triglycerides, V5CH—VLDL-5 cholesterol, and V5PL—VLDL-5 phospholipids.