The pie charts display the percentages of daily average food consumption over the six weeks of treatment. Food consumption of meals served according to Italian customs is referred to as follows: (A) the totality of all meals; (B) the “first dish” (lunch + dinner) composed of carbohydrates, (e.g., cereals such as pasta, rice, or semolina), usually seasoned with legumes or vegetables, or both; (C) the “second dish” (lunch + dinner) made up of a protein source (meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products); (D) the “side dish” (lunch + dinner) which is usually vegetables; and (E) the fruit dish which consisted of a whole piece of seasonal fruit (e.g., an apple, a banana, or an orange) or as a mousse. The data are reported as the mean percentage (%). For dysphagic patients, meals were served with the same food modified in consistency or fluid.