Progress of anthracene internalization in plant tissues. Mean values (±SE) of fluorescence intensity (A.U: absorbance units) of anthracene present in M. polymorpha plants of different genotypes (WT, Mppyl1, Mpaba1ge1a, and Mpaba1ge1c). Plants grown under axenic conditions were harvested at different times. The 0.5× Gamborg medium was supplemented either with 280 μM of anthracene or with no anthracene used as a control (Mock). Asterisk (*) indicates significant differences between the mock and 280 µM treatments. Different capital letters indicate significant differences between the fluorescence intensity at different times for the 280 µM concentration within each genotype. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in fluorescence intensity between genotypes for each treatment and time point. Tukey post hoc contrasts p < 0.05.