Table 2.
Feature Name | Explanation |
Centrality_PageRank | Measuring the importance of a node by other important nodes connected to it |
Centrality_NodeBetweenness | Measuring the centrality of a node using the number of shortest paths that pass through this node |
Centrality_EdgeBetweenness | Measuring the centrality of an edge using the number of shortest paths that pass through this edge |
Centrality_CentralPointDomiance | Calculating the central point dominance given the betweenness of each node |
Topology_MaxCardinality | Finding the maximum subset of a graph such that no two edges share a common node. |
NodeDegree | Node degree for each node |
EdgeDistance | Distance between each pair of connected nodes |
Spectral_Laplacian | Laplacian matrix for this |
Correlation_Assortativity | Measuring how nodes with different types tend to connect with each other |
Correlation_ScalarAssortativity | Measuring how nodes with similar degrees tend to connect with each other |
Clustering_Global_Coefficient | Computing clustering score of a graph using the ratio of number of triangles and number of connected triples |
Clustering_TriangleCount | Number of triangles in a graph |
Clustering_TripleCount | Number of connected triples in a graph |