Fig. 1.
Schematic representation of the presence of purinergic receptors and respective physiological agonists response in pulmonary vessels. A Vasoconstriction or vasodilation has been described in response to ATP in LPA and LPV, while vasoconstriction has been reported to UTP and UDP in LPA. B Vasoconstriction has been demonstrated in response to ATP, UTP, UDP, and ADP. Vasodilator response needs further studies in SPA and SPV. In both figures (A and B), the specific receptors that mediate the response to agonists are mainly unknown. LPA large pulmonary arteries, LPV large pulmonary veins, SPA small pulmonary arteries, SPV small pulmonary veins, SMC smooth muscle cells, EC endothelium, VC vasoconstriction, VD vasodilation. Figure created using BioRender software (21, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 34)