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. 2024 Oct 28;39:100925. doi: 10.1016/j.lana.2024.100925

Table 1.

Recommendations for HBV infection screening and vaccination.

HBV screening HBV vaccination
WHO 2024 Follow WHO recommendations on who to test (testing approaches) and how to test (testing strategies) from the 2017 WHO guidelines on hepatitis B and C testing
HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B, PLWH, PWID, MSM, sex workers, transgender people, prisoners, Indigenous peoples, blood and organ donors. Population-based screening is also recommended for migrants from endemic countries and in settings with a ≥2% or ≥5% seroprevalence of HBsAg.
Vaccination of all infants with the first dose administered as soon as possible after birth
Target groups for catch-up vaccination and other preventive strategies include young adolescents; household and sexual contacts of people who are HBsAg-positive; and people at risk of acquiring HBV infection
ALEH 2011 Not described Not described
PAHO 2015 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B, PLWH, PWID, MSM, sex workers, transgender people, prisoners, Indigenous peoples, blood and organ donors. Population-based screening is also recommended for migrants from endemic countries and in settings with a ≥2% or ≥5% seroprevalence of HBsAg
HBV vaccination for pregnant women
HBV vaccination for people with high-risk for HBV infection: household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B, PLWH, PWID, MSM, sex workers, transgender people, prisoners, Indigenous peoples, blood and organ donors. Population-based screening is also recommended for migrants from endemic countries and in settings with a ≥2% or ≥5% seroprevalence of HBsAg
AALSD 2018 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: Persons born in regions of high or intermediate HBV endemicity (HBsAg prevalence of >2%); U.S.-born persons not vaccinated as an infant whose parents were born in regions with high HBV endemicity (>8%); PWID; MSM; persons needing immunosuppressive therapy; individuals with elevated ALT or AST of unknown aetiology; donors of blood, plasma, organs, tissues, or semen; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers; PLWH, people with HCV infection; household, needle-sharing, and sexual contacts of HBsAg-positive persons; persons seeking evaluation or treatment for a sexually transmitted disease; health care and public safety workers; residents and staff of facilities for developmentally disabled persons; travellers to countries with an intermediate or high prevalence of HBV infection∗; unvaccinated persons with diabetes who are aged 19 through 59 years
Recommendations for vaccination are outlined in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices guidelines – Recent recommendation for universal vaccination (since 2022) -
Brazil 2023 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing at least once in life: adults who were not vaccinated or those vaccinated without response (anti-HBs <10 mIU/ml); people living or immigrants from the Amazon region; infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers; household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B; healthcare workers; Indigenous or people from riverside community; people with other sexual transmitted disease.
HBV testing regularly for high-risk populations: PLWH, people with HCV infection who will receive DAA treatment; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; people with chronic liver disease; PWID; prisoners; MSM; transgender people; sex workers; people with multiple sex partners; individuals under PreP; persons needing immunosuppressive therapy and/or chemotherapy; blood, organ or semen donors
Universal vaccination (since 2016)
Uruguay 2022 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: healthcare workers/students; police officers/firefighters; sex workers; PWID; household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B; MSM; transgender people; PLWH or HCV coinfection; prisoners; people with diabetes; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; people with organ transplantation or those who use immunosuppressors
Vaccination for adolescents < 12 yrs
Vaccination in people with high-risk for HBV infection: healthcare workers/students; police officers/firefighters; sex workers; PWID; household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B; MSM; transgender people; PLWH or HCV coinfection; prisoners; people with diabetes; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; people with organ transplantation or those who use immunosuppressors
Argentina 2021 Universal screening (at least once in life), especially in pregnant women, blood donors and people with high-risk for HBV infection (not detailed) Universal vaccination (since 2012)
Chile 2021 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: immigrants from regions with intermediate/high prevalence of HBV infection; people from countries with HBV prevalence >2%; people with elevated ALT levels; PWID; MSM; PLWH or HCV coinfection; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers; prisoners household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B; blood or organ donors
Vaccination for adolescents < 19 yrs
Vaccination in people with high-risk for HBV infection: adults (19–59 yrs) with diabetes; healthcare workers; infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers; immigrants from regions with intermediate/high prevalence of HBV infection; people from countries with HBV prevalence >2%; PWID; MSM; PLWH or HCV coinfection; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; people with multiple sex partners; prisoners; people with chronic liver disease
Mexico 2021 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: immigrants from regions with intermediate/high prevalence of HBV infection; PWID; MSM; PLWH or HCV coinfection; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; blood, organ or semen donors; healthcare workers; people with elevated ALT levels; people with multiple sex partners; people with a sexual partner with HBV infection
Universal vaccination
Peru 2018 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: household, needle-sharing, and sexual contacts of HBsAg-positive persons, immigrants from regions with intermediate/high prevalence of HBV infection; Indigenous people, PWID; MSM; transgender women; PLWH or HCV coinfection; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; persons needing immunosuppressive therapy; solid organ receptors; healthcare workers; persons with psychiatric diseases; people with oncology diseases; prisoners; elderly persons living in nursing homes; people with multiple sex partners; police officers, military force and/or firefighters
Vaccination for newborns (first 12 h after birth)
Vaccination in people with high-risk for HBV infection: people from regions of high endemicity, healthcare students and workers, MSM, sex workers, Indigenous people, police officers, military force and/or firefighters
Colombia 2016 HBV testing for pregnant women
HBV testing for people with high-risk for HBV infection: household and sexual contacts of HBsAg-positive persons, immigrants from regions with intermediate/high prevalence of HBV infection; PWID; MSM; PLWH or HCV coinfection; people with chronic kidney disease in haemodialysis; healthcare workers; elderly persons living in nursing homes; people with multiple sex partners; police officers, military force and/or firefighters
Vaccination for newborns
Vaccination in people with high-risk for HBV infection: household and sexual contacts of HBsAg-positive persons, healthcare workers, PWID

AASLD, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases; ALEH, Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio del Hígado; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartase aminotransferase; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; MSM, men who have sex with men; PAHO, Pan American Health Organization; PLWH, people living with HIV; PreP; Pre-exposure prophylaxis; PWID, people who inject drugs; ULN, upper limit of normal; WHO, World Health Organization. For links to guidelines see Supplementary Table S1.