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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Nov 12.
Published in final edited form as: Math Biosci. 2023 May 16;362:109021. doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2023.109021

Table 1.

Starting values for model parameters and state variables used in a biologically based computational model for the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in X. laevis larvae.a

Parameter Term Value Source

Body growth
 Starting body weight (g) BW 0.28 Haselman et al. [21]; extrapolated to t0
 Rate of change of BW (1/h) RBW 0.0027 Haselman et al. [21]; fitted to measured growth data
Plasma and follicular cell iodide
 Plasma concentration (pmol/ml) CI,PL 1,000 This study (SI4)
 Starting follicular cell concentration (pmol/ml) CI,FC 20,000 20×CI,PL
To calculate plasma concentration of TSH
 Starting amount of TSH in plasma (pmol) ATSH,PL 0.00165 Estimated from Korte et al. [41] and then optimized
 Apparent volume of TSH distribution (ml/g) VDTSH 0.0554 McLanahan et al. [40]
 Starting maximum rate of TSH secretion (pmol/h) VMAX,TSH 0.325 Optimized
 Rate of change of VMAX,TSH (1/h) RVMAX,TSH 0.005 Optimized
CT3,FF,PL resulting in half-maximal TSH secretion (pmol/ml) KM,TSH 1.1×10−6 1/100th starting CT3,FF,PL
 Starting rate of change of KM,TSH (1/h) RKM,TSH 2.0×10−8 Optimized
 Rate of change of RKM,TSH (1/h) RRKM,TSH 1.0×10−9 Optimized
 Plasma clearance constant (ml/h/g) CLTSH 0.11 Lemarchand-Beraud and Berthier
To calculate the aggregated volume of thyrocytes
 Starting number of thyrocytes in NF stage 54 larvae FCNTOT 8,000 Haselman et al. [21]; extrapolated to t0
 Rate of change of thyrocyte number in controls (1/h) RFCN,CONT 40 Optimized
 Max. rate of change of TSH-mediated thyrocyte prolif. (1/h) RFCN,MAX 700 Optimized
 Average thyrocyte volume (ml) FCV 1.0 This study (SI3)
 Hill constant for TSH induction of gland growth (unitless) KH 0.6 Optimized
 Hill coefficient for TSH induction of gland growth (unitless) n 3.5 Optimized
To calculate intracellular iodide (see also terms that describe iodide organification and recycling of MIT and DIT)
 Maximum rate of TSH-induced NIS activity (pmol/h/ml) VMAX,NISTSH 2.55×107 Optimized
 Affinity constant for TSH induction of NIS (pmol/ml) KM,NISTSH 1.0×10−9 10x starting CTSH,PL
 Affinity constant for NIS activity (pmol/ml) KM,NIS 100,000 100xCI,PL
 Inhibition constant for autoregulation of NIS by iodide (pmol/ml) KI,FC 40,000 2x starting CI,FC
 Rate constant for diffusion flux of iodide (ml/h/ml) kD,I 1.1 Optimized
To calculate the rate of Tg synthesis (resulting in secretion of T4 and recycling of MIT and DIT)
 Absolute maximum rate of Tg synthesis (pmol/h/ml) VMAX,TG,SYN 4400 Optimized
 Affinity constant for TSH induction of Tg synthesis (pmol/ml) KM,TG,SYN 1.0 10x starting CTSH,PL
To describe the organification of iodide by TPO as MIT, DIT, and T4 iodine
 Total starting amount of Tg in thyroid follicular lumen (pmol) ATG,TL 0.4 Estimated from [21] and then optimizedc
 Starting amount of organified iodine associated with Tg (pmol) AI,TG,TL 13.135 37 mol/mol iodinated Tgc
 Starting amount of organified iodine associated with MIT (pmol) AMIT,TL 0.355 1 mol/mol iodinated Tgc
 Starting amount of organified iodine associated with DIT (pmol) ADIT,TL 4.26 12 mol/mol iodinated Tgc
 Starting amount of organified iodine associated with T4 (pmol) AT4,TL 8.52 24 mol/mol iodinated Tgc
 Absolute maximum rate of TSH-induced TPO activity (pmol/h/ml) VMAX,TPOTSH 4.0×107 Optimized
 Affinity constant for TSH induction of TPO (pmol/ml) KM,TPOTSH 1.0 10x starting CTSH,PL
 Affinity constant for iodide incorporation into Tg via TPO KM,TPO 2.0×106 100x starting CI,FC
To calculate the rate of Tg proteolysis
 Absolute maximum rate of Tg proteolysis (pmol/h/ml) VMAX,TG,PROT 10,000 Optimized
 Affinity constant for TSH induction of Tg proteolysis (pmol/ml) KM,TG,PROT 10 100x starting CTSH,PL
To calculate plasma T4 concentration
 Starting total amount of T4 in plasma (pmol) AT4,TOT,PL 0.0073 Haselman et al. [21]
 Apparent volume of T4 distribution (ml/g) VDT4 0.156 McLanahan et al. [40]
 Conjugative metabolism constant (ml/h/g) CLT4,CONJ 4.0 Fit to give t1/2 of ∼2 h
 Plasma protein dissociation constant (unitless) KD,T4 0.01 Gives 1.0% free fraction
 Maximum rate of T4 deiodination (pmol/h) VMAX,DIO2 0.887 Optimized
 Affinity constant for T4 deiodination (pmol/ml) KM,DIO2 0.167 100x starting CT4,FF,PL
To calculate plasma T3 concentration
 Starting total amount of T3 in plasma (pmol) AT3,TOT,PL 0.00112 Haselman et al. [21]
 Apparent volume of T3 distribution (ml/g) VDT3 0.186 McLanahan et al. [40]
 Plasma clearance constant (ml/h/g) CLT3,CON3 28.3 Fit to give t1/2 of ∼1 h
 Plasma protein dissociation constant (unitless) KD,T3 0.005 Gives 0.5% free fraction
 Maximum rate of T3 deiodination (pmol/h) VMAX,DIO3 0.58 Optimized
 Affinity constant for T3 deiodination (pmol/ml) KM,DIO3 0.011 100x starting CT3,FF,PL

Abbreviations: TPO — thyroperoxidase; Tg — thyroglobulin; TSH — thyroid stimulating hormone; NIS — sodium-iodide symporter; T4 — thyroxine; T3 — 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine; MIT — monoiodotyrosine; DIT — diiodotyrosine.


Results in plasma half-life value given by these authors for125I-TSH in rats.


Starting values for Tg, MIT, DIT, and T4 were informed by measured amounts of MIT, DIT, and T4 in glands of NF 56 X. laevis tadpoles [21]; see main text for details.