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. 2024 Oct 23;10:28. doi: 10.21037/mhealth-24-14

Table 3. Descriptive analysis of participants’ practices about IBS symptoms.

Behaviors of IBS patients Total N=451, n (%)
In case of severe irritable bowel syndrome symptoms?
   Going to the emergency room 128 (28.4)
   Taking and complying by prescribed medications 116 (25.7)
   Going to the toilet 70 (15.5)
   Waiting for the symptoms to disappear 121 (26.8)
   Other 16 (3.5)
How often do you go to the bathroom to defecate?
   Once a day 166 (36.8)
   2–3 times/day 154 (34.1)
   4–5 times/day 44 (9.8)
   ≥6 times/day 7 (1.6)
   1–2 times per week 34 (7.5)
   2–3 times/week 46 (10.2)
Have you identified certain foods that seem to cause pain or diarrhea?
   No 83 (18.4)
   Yes 368 (81.6)
How often do you visit the doctor for your condition?
   Every 3–6 months 90 (20.0)
   Yearly 57 (12.6)
   Each time I had symptoms 69 (15.3)
   When symptoms are unbearable 204 (45.2)
   Other 31 (6.9)
Have you identified certain foods that seem to cause pain or diarrhea?
   No 83 (18.4)
   Yes 368 (81.6)
How often do you visit the doctor for your condition?
   Every 3–6 months 90 (20.0)
   Yearly 57 (12.6)
   Each time I had symptoms 69 (15.3)
   When symptoms are unbearable 204 (45.2)
   Other 31 (6.9)
Are you familiar with the “low FODMAP” diet?
   Never heard of it 361 (80.0)
   I heard of it but never applied it to my diet 77 (17.1)
   I use it in my diet plans 13 (2.9)
Have you ever visited a nutritionist?
   No 296 (65.6)
   Yes 155 (34.4)
Have you requested any psychological intervention for your IBS?
   No 349 (77.4)
   Yes 102 (22.6)

IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; FODMAP, fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols.