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. 2024 Feb 12;63(20):2757–2765. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.3097-23

Table 4.

Log-lank Test and Univariate and Multivariate Analysis for Progression Free Survival.

Factor Category Median PFS, m (95% CI) Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
p value HR (95% CI) p value
Histology Adeno 27.9 (15.2-NA) 1
Squamous 9.63 (5.88-13.9) <0.01 2.11 (1.18-3.78) <0.05
Age (years) <63 27.9 (9.63-NA)
≥63 13.9 (7.95-25.1) 0.21
Gender Female 14.1 (7.20-27.9)
Male 19.1 (9.53-28.0) 0.58
ECOG-PS 0, 1 16.6 (10.2-27.9)
2, 3 4.57 (1.23-NA) 0.28
Alb (mg/dL) ≥3.8 19.1 (9.53-28.0)
<3.8 13.0 (7.20-27.9) 0.68
CRP (mg/dL) ≤0.05 NA (20.4-NA)
>0.05 13.9 (9.03-25.1) 0.06
GPS 0 23.5 (11.1-NA)
1, 2 10.2 (5.82-25.1) 0.09
Hb (mg/dL) ≥12.9 28.0 (10.2-NA) 1
<12.9 11.9 (7.20-23.5) <0.05 1.10 (0.95-1.28) 0.27
PD-L1 (%) >1 15.6 (9.03-NA)
≤1 6.97 (4.40-13.9) 0.11
T factor T1-T3 20.4 (10.1-NA)
T4 13.0 (6.21-27.9) 0.21
N factor N3 NA (4.67-NA)
N0-2 13.6 (8.84-20.4) 0.06

Age, ECOG-PS, Alb, CRP, Hb, PD-L1, T factor and N factor were divided into two groups where the most difference occurred with reference to ROC curve. m: months, HR: hazard ratio, CI: confidence interval, ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, PS: performance status, Alb: albumin, CRP: C-reactive protein, GPS: Glasgow Prognostic Score, Hb: hemoglobin, PD-L1: programmed cell death ligand 1