NK cell immune marker expression following co-culture with DBMSCs. Using flow cytometry, the expression of immune markers was evaluated in NK cells harvested from NK/DBMSC cytolytic experiments. Relative to untreated NK cells (NK), co-culturing NK cells with DBMSCs significantly increased NK cell expression of (A) IL-18Rα at the NK: DBMSC ratios of 25:1 and 50:1, and (B) IFN-ɤ R2 at the NK: DBMSC ratio of 25:1. Co-culturing NK cells with DBMSCs had no significant effect on NK cell expression of (C) IL-12Rβa, (D) IL-18 Rβ1 or (E) IFN-ɤ R105 at any of the indicated NK:DBMSC ratios, while it significantly decreased NK cell expression of (F) TNF-α, (G) TLR3, (H) TLR7, and (I) TLR9 at the NK: DBMSC ratio of 100:1. Experiments were performed in triplicate and repeated 10 times using using 10 independent NK/pMSC cytolytic experiments wherein the NK cells and pMSCs for each experiment were prepared from the peripheral blood of 10 healthy subjects and 10 normal human full-term placentae, respectively. Bars represent standard errors, *P< 0.05.