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. 2024 Oct;53(10):2239–2250. doi: 10.18502/ijph.v53i10.16701

Table 1:

Characteristics of the individual included studies, Ethiopia (n = 25), 2023.

Author name Published year Aim of the study Study design Sample size Study setting The model used for analysis Purpose of Model
Bayked etal., 2023(6) To evaluate the impact of Ethiopia’s CBHI Systematic review 23 studies Ethiopia Random Model To measure the effect of estimates
Alemayehu et al., 2023a(33) To assess Health services utilization and financial risk protection Comparative cross-sectional 4301 Households Ethiopia Logistic regression Model To measure financial risk protection and Health Services Utilization
Asfaw et al., 2022a(41) investigates the household welfare impact of CBHI Cross-sectional 531 households Chilga District, Amhara Regional State, Central Gondar Zone, Ethiopia Probit and propensity score matching (PSM) To measure the impact of CBHI on welfare
Mulat et al., 2022(45) To identify early achievements in scaling up CBHI Qualitative design 18 Key informants Ethiopia NA NA
Kassa, 2023(30) to evaluate the impact of CBHI on CHE Comparative cross-sectional study 472 households Kutaber district, Ethiopia. A probit regression mode To identify co-variants that affected CBHI scheme participation.
Addise et al., 2021 (42) To assess the magnitude of satisfaction and associated factors Community based cross-sectional study 627 households Nilemo District, Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression to determine associations
Moyehodie et al., 2022a(28) To identify factors associated with CBHI, Health Care Service Utilization community-based cross-sectional study 619 households Gonder town, Amhara, Ethiopia binary logistic regression analyses To determine association
Demissie and Gutema, 2020 (20) To analyze the effects of a CBHI on healthcare comparative cross-sectional 405 household heads Yirgalem town, southern Ethiopia. Multivariate logistic regression To identify the effect of HRQoL
Gebru and Lentiro, 2018(1) to measure the impact of CBHI on HRQoL comparative community-based cross-sectional 1964 Households SNNPR linear regression analysis To describe the functional predictors of health-related QoL.
Christian, 2017(47) To establish the impact of the public health project on CBHI performance Qualitative 45 staff working for CBHI Ethiopia NA Na
Moyehodie et al., 2022b(51) To identify the individual and community-level factors associated with CBHI enrollment EDHS 8663 Households nested and 305 community nationally representative, Ethiopia NA NA
Gashaw, 2020(7) To assess the level of household satisfaction in CBHI Cross-sectional (Quantitative) 336 CBHI beneficiaries Addis Ababa, Ethiopia NA NA
Abdilwohab et al., 2021(40) To establish the impact of the public health project on CBHI performance A community-based cross-sectional 386 HHs Addis Ababa Na NA
Shigute et al., 2020(35) To measure the impact of CBHI on Health-related quality of life Comparative community-based cross-sectional 1964 HHs Southern Ethiopia NA NA
Atinafu etal., 2018 (32) To compare differences in health care utilization between CBHI member and non-member households Comparative community-based cross-sectional 652 (326 insured and 326 uninsured) North-west, Ethiopia NA NA
Workneh and Woreta, 2017(34) To assess the compliance of the community to the CBHI scheme A community-based cross-sectional 511 respondents The hudere district, Northwest, Ethiopia Bivariate and Multivariate logistic regression models To find associated factors with the outcome variables
Mekonen etal., 2018 (29) investigated the effect of CBHI on catastrophic health expenditure A community-based cross-sectional 454 (224 insured and 230 uninsured) Northeast Ethiopia A Multi stage sampling technique and propensity score matching To determine the effect of CBHI on catastrophic health expenditure.
Jembere, 2018(31) To examine access, use and quality of services after the introduction of the scheme in Ethiopia Cross-sectional 344 head of HHs Thehudere district, Northwest, Ethiopia Statistical test T-test and ANOVA model Pearson correlation To examine group differences and see the relationship
Mitiku Kebede and Geberetsadik, 2019(37) to assess the level of household satisfaction with the CBHI scheme and associated factors Cross-sectional study 528 households Sheko district; southwest Ethiopia. logistic regression analyses To determine the independent predictors of household’s satisfaction with CBHI
Fufa etal., 2021(39) to assess the satisfaction level of the Community for health insurance A facility-based cross-sectional 399 patients Arsi Nagele Woreda Health Centres logistic regression To identify determinant factors the satisfaction of CBHI client on the public health service
Geferso and Sharo, 2022(48) to determine community-based health insurance utilization and its associated factors among rural households A quantitative community-based cross-sectional 600 households Akaki District, Oromia special zone surrounding Finfinnee, Oromia, Ethiopia A binary logistic regression model to identify the factors associated with CBHI utilization
Bantie and Zewdie, 2020(43) to determine knowledge and attitude levels towards CBHI community-based cross-sectional 335 informal workers. Bahir Dar City Logistic regression analysis To identify potential associations between the study variables.
Kaso et al., 2022 (44) assessed the CBHI membership renewal rate community-based cross-sectional 537 respondents Yirga Chafe district, Gedeo zone, Southern Ethiopia logistic regression model determine factors associated with the CBHI scheme
Girmay and Reta, 2022(38) To assess CBHI services usage and related factors Community-based cross-sectional 652 participants Gulele Subcity Logistic regression model To find associated factors
Mussa et al., 2021(53) To examine CBHI enrollment Cross-sectional 5398 PSMP beneficiary households Ethiopia Logistics regression model To identify factors associated with households’ CBHI enrollment decisions