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. 2024 Nov 12;14:27548. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-77400-y

Table 1.

Descriptive results from questions regarding owners and their dogs (N = 790), with percentage distribution across answer categories.

Variable and associated question Categorical variable labels N %
1) Characteristics of the owner
Gender Women 700 88.6
Men 90 11.4
Age group 18–30 years 208 26.3
30–40 years 210 26.6
40–50 years 234 29.6
More than 50 years 138 17.5
Parental status: do you have children? Yes 280 34.8
No 519 65.2
2) Characteristics of the dog
Sex Intact female 98 12.4
Intact male 120 15.2
Neutered female 326 41.3
Neutered male 246 31.1
Purebred status Purebred 509 64.4
Mixed breed 281 35.6
Age of the dog (in years) Mean age ± S.D: 4.99 ± 3.55
Place of acquisition: where did you buy/adopt your dog? Breeder (registered and non-registered breeder, puppy mill) 337 42.7
Rescued dog (shelter, found on the streets, dog breed rescuers) 260 32.9
Other (from family/acquaintance, own breeding/born at my place, other) 193 24.4
Behaviour problems of the dog: how typical are the following behaviour problems for your dog? Not typical at all (N, %) Not typical (N, %) I don’t know/I can’t decide/Neutral (N, %) Typical (N, %) Totally typical (N, %)
House training problems 694 (87.8) 54 (6.8) 21 (2.7) 13 (1.6) 8 (1)
Escaping 654 (82.8) 69 (8.7) 31 (3.9) 28 (3.5) 8 (1)
Compulsive behaviour (e.g. circling) 642 (81.3) 80 (10.1) 32 (4.1) 30 (3.8) 6 (0.8)
Aggression to people 565 (71.5) 150 (19) 43 (5.4) 25 (3.2) 7 (0.9)
Too much whining 537 (68) 159 (20.1) 45 (5.7) 39 (4.9) 10 (1.3)
Chewing/Destruction 538 (68.1) 145 (18.4) 50 (6.3) 46 (5.8) 11 (1.4)
Food/toy protection 520 (65.8) 125 (15.8) 63 (8) 68 (8.6) 14 (1.8)
Rough play/Pinching 477 (60.4) 147 (18.6) 68 (8.6) 90 (11.4) 8 (1)
Separation anxiety 483 (61.1) 132 (16.7) 75 (9.5) 73 (9.2) 27 (3.4)
Faeces eating/Rolling in faeces 472 (59.7) 120 (15.2) 64 (8.1) 105 (13.3) 29 (3.7)
Fear of other people 416 (52.7) 190 (24.1) 64 (8.1) 102 (12.9) 18 (2.3)
Too much barking 406 (51.4) 181 (22.9) 92 (11.6) 81 (10.3) 30 (3.8)
Hard (or impossible) to call back during walks 363 (45.9) 217 (27.5) 108 (13.7) 78 (9.9) 24 (3)
Fear of other dogs 338 (42.8) 231 (29.2) 102 (12.9) 106 (13.4) 13 (1.6)
Noise phobia 395 (50) 167 (21.1) 80 (10.1) 107 (13.5) 41 (5.2)
Aggression to other dogs 322 (40.8) 234 (29.6) 100 (12.7) 113 (14.3) 21 (2.7)
Overexcitement 351 (44.4) 161 (20.4) 113 (14.3) 111 (14.1) 54 (6.8)
Fear of new things/situations 261 (33) 257 (32.5) 119 (15.1) 132 (16.7) 21 (2.7)
Territorial behaviour 390 (49.4) 106 (13.4) 83 (10.5) 148 (18.7) 63 (8)
Chasing wild/domesticated animals 296 (37.5) 155 (19.6) 114 (14.4) 151 (19.1) 74 (9.4)
Jumping up 265 (33.5) 160 (20.3) 103 (13) 196 (24.8) 66 (8.4)
Perceived obedience of the dog: how obedient do you think your dog is? N %
1 - Not totally obedient 175 22.2
2 425 53.8
3 - Totally obedient 190 24.1
Off-leash safety: how safe do you feel taking the leash off your dog on the street/public space/forest? 1 - Not totally safe 307 38.9
2 241 30.5
3 - Totally safe 242 30.6
3) Management practices
Tools and methods used to educate the dog: what tools/methods do you use to train your dog? Never (N, %) I have used it (N, %) Often (N, %)
Electric collar 739 (93.5) 41 (5.2) 10 (1.3)
Spiked collar 717 (90.8) 58 (7.3) 15 (1.9)
Muzzle 641 (81.1) 130 (16.5) 19 (2.4)
Training hygienic pad 612 (77.5) 153 (19.4) 25 (3.2)
Isolation 526 (66.6) 247 (31.3) 17 (2.2)
Physical discipline 494 (62.5) 285 (36.1) 11 (1.4)
Cage/Room kennel 491 (62.2) 192 (24.3) 107 (13.5)
Clicker 335 (42.4) 207 (26.2) 248 (31.4)
Yelling 176 (22.3) 554 (70.1) 60 (7.6)
Dog trainer, dog training school 173 (21.9) 244 (30.9) 373 (47.2)
Leash 52 (6.6) 263 (33.3) 475 (60.1)
Reward with play 31 (3.9) 151 (19.1) 608 (77)
Food 25 (3.2) 136 (17.2) 629 (79.6)
Petting 5 (0.6) 72 (9.1) 713 (90.3)
Praise 5 (0.6) 52 (6.6) 733 (92.8)
Problems in educating the dog: what problem(s) have you had in raising your dog? Never (N, %) Sometimes (N, %) Often (N, %)
Housing problems 735 (93) 42 (5.3) 13 (1.6)
Family problems 659 (83.4) 111 (14.1) 20 (2.5)
Financial problems 586 (74.2) 175 (22.2) 29 (3.7)
Problems to keep the dog while on vacations 580 (73.4) 167 (21.1) 43 (5.4)
Education started late 526 (66.6) 152 (19.2) 112 (14.2)
Socialisation problems (it was difficult to find company for the dog) 450 (57) 179 (22.7) 161 (20.4)
Lack of time 326 (41.3) 338 (42.8) 126 (15.9)
Inconsistency in rules/education 303 (38.4) 390 (49.4) 97 (12.3)
Impatience 220 (27.8) 476 (60.3) 94 (11.9)
Start of the dog’s education: when did you start training your dog? N %
Before 8 weeks old 61 7.7
Between 8–12 weeks old 330 41.8
Between 12–16 weeks old 101 12.8
Between 4–6 months old 82 10.4
Between 6–12 months old 68 8.6
After 1 year old 148 18.7
Housing conditions: where do you keep the dog? Indoors only 269 34.1
Outdoor access 521 65.9
Time spent in the presence of the dog: how much time per day do you spend in the same airspace with your dog (so that your dog can come to you at any time)? Less than 3 h 86 10.9
3–9 h 222 28.1
More than 9 h 482 61
Active time spent with the dog: exactly how much time a day do you spend actively with your dog? (walking, playing, etc.) Less than 1 h 127 16.1
1–3 h 543 68.7
More than 3 h 120 15.2
4) Dog-owner relationship
Benefits derived from dog ownership: how much do the following give you pleasure and a good feeling when living with your dog? None (N, %) A little bit (N, %) A lot (N, %)
Safety, house guarding 296 (37.5) 278 (35.2) 216 (27.3)
Relationship with other people 192 (24.3) 311 (39.4) 287 (36.3)
Caring for someone, sense of responsibility 22 (2.8) 157 (19.9) 611 (77.3)
Teaching, training 13 (1.6) 162 (20.5) 615 (77.8)
The sight and beauty of the dog 13 (1.6) 79 (10) 698 (88.4)
Walking 1 (0.1) 106 (13.4) 683 (86.5)
Unconditional love 1 (0.1) 49 (6.2) 740 (93.7)
Petting, physical contact 1 (0.1) 18 (2.3) 771 (97.6)
Role of the dog: what role does your dog play in your life? Not true at all (N, %) Rather not true (N, %) Neutral (N, %) Rather true (N, %) Totally true (N, %)
Assistance dog, guard-protection dog 450 (57) 87 (11) 107 (13.5) 94 (11.9) 52 (6.6)
Colleague 443 (56.1) 91 (11.5) 126 (15.9) 79 (10) 51 (6.5)
Child 250 (32) 96 (12) 153 (19) 151 (19) 140 (18)
More important than any human 115 (15) 88 (11) 209 (26) 262 (33) 116 (15)
Domesticated animal 96 (12.2) 78 (9.9) 168 (21.3) 148 (18.7) 300 (38)
Friend 8 (1) 13 (1.6) 59 (7.5) 170 (21.5) 540 (68.4)
Family member 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) 24 (3) 94 (11.9) 670 (84.8)