Figure 3.
Equal shares results in voting outcomes with a more frequent impact loss in infrastructural and sustainable development projects, while an impact gain of larger magnitudes is observed in welfare, education and culture projects. For the depicted metrics, (a) cost share, (b) projects share, (c) popularity share, (d) cost representation, (e) projects representation and (f) popularity representation, positive loss (Y-axis, UG − ES) in an impact area (coloured lines) show outperformance by utilitarian greedy (UG), while negative loss shows outperformance by equal shares (ES). The X-axis denotes election instances sorted according to impact loss. A circular marker is placed for each line to easily distinguish the number of voting instances with positive/negative loss. The four numbers next to each impact area denote the (i) % of voting instances with positive loss; (ii) the mean `'; (iii) mean positive `+'; and (iv) mean negative `−' impact loss. Two additional numbers with the prefixes '+' and '−' placed on each of the metrics signify the overall mean positive and negative impact loss respectively across all impact areas.