Effects of TBL1X N365Y on T3 negatively regulated genes in iHeps cells. The daughter mutation is represented by black dots, the father mutation by open dots. Cells were stimulated with increasing concentration of T3. Mean values ± S.D. consists of T3 0 nM n = 8, T3 0.1 nM n = 4, T3 1 nM n = 8, T3 10 nM n = 4, and T3 100 nM n = 8 per group. P-values for two-way analysis of variance are indicated on the top-left corner of each figure panel. Post hoc analysis (Tukey) P-values are indicated by asterisks above the corresponding bars: *(P < 0.05), **(P < 0.01), ***(P < 0.001), ****(P < 0.0001).