Fig. 1. Water isotope measurements throughout the solar system.
All measurements are compared to terrestrial VSMOW values (dashed lines). Several species have been reported for the Rosetta target comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G; open black diamonds with blue error bars) and are compared to results from this work (open black squares with blue error bars). (A) Several D/H measurements are available including chondrites (gray), Saturn’s moons (cyan and orange), two TNOs (steel blue), and several Oort Cloud (blue filled) and Jupiter Family (blue with black outline) comets. (B) 16O/17O is available for the Sun, Mars, and chondrites (gray); Titan (orange); and comet 67P/C-G. (C) 16O/18O is also available for Jupiter, Venus, several Oort Cloud comets (OCCs; blue filled), and one additional Jupiter Family (blue with black outline) comet (see the Supplementary Materials and tables S1 to S3).