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. 2024 Oct 10;73(4):69–78. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.su7304a8

TABLE 2. Prevalence of report of unfair discipline at school among high school students, by race and ethnicity and selected characteristics — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2023*.

Characteristic AI/AN†,§ 
% (95% CI) Asian†,§ 
% (95% CI) Black or African American†,§ 
% (95% CI) NH/OPI†,§ 
% (95% CI) White†,§ 
% (95% CI) Hispanic or Latino†,§ 
% (95% CI) Multiracial†,§ 
% (95% CI) Total 
% (95% CI)
28.7 (16.0–46.0)
25.2 (15.9–37.5)
28.6 (23.9–33.8)
21.3 (17.5–25.7)
20.3 (16.8–24.3)
37.3 (27.9–47.8)
23.6 (21.1–26.3)
46.2 (24.1–70.0)
19.6 (13.0–28.5)
24.1 (19.1–29.9)

19.0 (16.2–22.1)
23.4 (19.8–27.4)
21.0 (13.0–32.2)
21.1 (18.8–23.7)
21.1 (8.0–45.0)
19.2 (11.7–29.9)
22.8 (16.7–30.3)

16.2 (13.4–19.4)
14.4 (11.7–17.7)
16.0 (8.1–29.2)
16.7 (14.8–18.8)
15.3 (7.0–30.3)
13.6 (7.8–22.8)
14.2 (7.9–24.4)

15.1 (12.6–17.9)
14.9 (10.5–20.8)
7.6 (4.6–12.5)
14.4 (12.3–16.9)
36.1 (19.2–57.3)
14.9 (9.6-22.5)
20.1 (15.7–25.3)

14.3 (12.3–16.5)
16.0 (14.2–18.0)
25.7 (19.5–33.0)
16.4 (14.9–18.0)
26.1 (12.0–47.8)
22.2 (15.3–31.0)
26.2 (23.0–29.7)

21.0 (18.7–23.5)
20.7 (17.6–24.2)
19.8 (13.9–27.4)
21.6 (19.9–23.4)
Sexual identity¶¶
45.8 (21.4–72.4)
19.0 (10.5–32.1)
20.0 (15.4–25.7)

17.3 (14.0–21.3)
15.1 (11.6–19.4)
32.6 (24.1–42.3)
18.5 (15.9–21.4)
Lesbian or gay

17.0 (8.7–30.4)

16.5 (10.1–25.6)
17.8 (9.2–31.4)
26.1 (13.8–43.6)
18.3 (13.4–24.4)
51.4 (26.7–75.5)

20.7 (14.6–28.5)

17.1 (12.9–22.3)
15.1 (9.4–23.5)
29.3 (19.9–40.9)
18.3 (15.2–21.9)
12.1 (3.0–38.2)

12.6 (4.8–29.0)

12.4 (8.1–18.4)
16.4 (10.5–24.7)
17.9 (6.2–41.7)
14.2 (10.2–19.3)
Identify in some other way
81.7 (40.7–96.7)


23.1 (15.6–32.6)
10.1 (3.5–25.8)
57.1 (39.0–73.6)
23.8 (17.6–31.4)
26.6 (14.9–42.7)
18.3 (13.5–24.3)
23.8 (20.6–27.4)
16.2 (6.1–36.3)
18.0 (16.1–20.1)
18.6 (16.7–20.7)
16.7 (12.4–22.1)
18.9 (17.6–20.2)
Total 32.0 (19.8–47.4) 19.0 (14.1–25.1) 23.1 (19.9–26.7) 13.4 (4.9–32.0) 18.1 (16.1–20.2) 18.4 (16.7–20.3) 22.4 (17.4–28.3) 19.3 (17.9–20.7)

Abbreviations: AI/AN = American Indian or Alaska Native; NH/OPI = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.

* N = 20,103 respondents. The total number of students responding to each question varied. Data might be missing because 1) the question did not appear in that student’s questionnaire, 2) the student did not answer the question, or 3) the response was set to missing because of an out-of-range response or logical inconsistency. Percentages in each category are calculated on the known data.

The total number of respondents varied by race and ethnicity category, with the following unweighted number of students responding to the discipline question: AI/AN = 839; Asian = 402; Black or African American = 1,242; NH/OPI =53; White = 4,568; Hispanic or Latino = 2,289; and multiracial = 1,078. Data might be missing because 1) the question did not appear in that student’s questionnaire, 2) the student did not answer the question, or 3) the response was set to missing because of an out-of-range response or logical inconsistency. Percentages in each category are calculated on the known data.

§ Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin might be of any race but are categorized as Hispanic; all racial groups are non-Hispanic.

Significantly different from Hispanic or Latino and White students, based on t-test analysis with Taylor series linearization (p<0.05).

** Among students overall, those in grades 9 and 10 significantly differed from students in grades 11 and 12. Among AI/AN students, students in grade 10 significantly differed from students in grade 12. Among Asian students, students in grade 9 significantly differed from students in grade 12. Among Black or African American students, students in grades 9 and 10 significantly differed from students in grade 12. Among Hispanic or Latino students, students in grade 9 significantly differed from students in grade 11, and students in grade 10 significantly differed from students in grades 11 and 12. Among multiracial students, students in grade 9 significantly differed from students in grades 10, 11, and 12, and students in grade 10 significantly differed from students in grade 12. Among White students, students in grade 9 significantly differed from students in grades 11 and 12, and students in grade 10 significantly differed from students in grade 12. Significance based on t-test analysis with Taylor series linearization (p<0.05).

†† Dashes indicate where prevalence estimates were suppressed because n<30.

§§ Female students significantly differed from male students among students overall, Black or African American students, Hispanic or Latino students, and White students, based on t-test analyses with Taylor series linearization (p<0.05)

¶¶ Among students overall, questioning students significantly differed from heterosexual students and students who identify in some other way. Among AI/AN students, students who identify in some other way significantly differed from heterosexual and questioning students, and questioning students significantly differed from bisexual students. Among Black or African American students, students who were questioning significantly differed from heterosexual students. Among multiracial students, LGBQ+ students significantly differed from heterosexual students, bisexual students significantly differed from heterosexual students, and students who identify in some other way significantly differed from heterosexual, lesbian or gay, bisexual, and questioning students. Among White students, questioning students significantly differed from heterosexual students. Significance based on t-test analysis with Taylor series linearization (p<0.05).