TABLE 3. Sex-stratified prevalence of asking for sexual consent verbally at last sexual contact by experiences of sexual violence and sexual behaviors among high school students — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2023*.
Experience of sexual violence or sexual behavior† | Asked for sexual consent verbally at last sexual contact§ |
Female % (95% CI)¶ | Male % (95% CI)¶ | |
Sexual violence
| ||
Experienced sexual violence by anyone during the past 12 months** | ||
Yes |
71.6 (67.6–75.4) |
80.4 (71.0–87.3) |
No |
75.4 (72.1–78.4) |
85.2 (82.5–87.5) |
Experienced sexual dating violence during the past 12 months††,§§ | ||
Yes |
76.3 (70.8–81.1) |
85.7 (75.3–92.1) |
No |
75.1 (72.2–77.9) |
85.1 (82.4–87.5) |
Ever experienced forced sex¶¶ | ||
Yes |
70.7 (64.3–76.4) |
82.8 (74.1–89.0) |
No |
75.8 (73.0–78.4) |
84.8 (82.0–87.2) |
Sexual behavior
| ||
Ever sexual intercourse***,†††,§§§ | ||
Yes |
76.3 (72.7–79.5) |
86.8 (84.3–88.9) |
No |
70.6 (66.1–74.7) |
80.2 (75.5–84.2) |
First sexual intercourse before age 13†††,¶¶¶ | ||
Yes |
56.7 (44.8–67.9) |
74.7 (61.3–84.6) |
No |
75.3 (72.5–78.0) |
85.4 (83.0–87.5) |
Currently sexually active†††,§§§,**** | ||
Yes |
77.2 (72.9–81.0) |
87.2 (84.2–89.7) |
No |
72.1 (68.5–75.4) |
82.8 (78.9–86.1) |
Alcohol or drug use during last sexual intercourse††††,§§§§ | ||
Yes |
69.6 (59.7–78.0) |
80.8 (73.1–86.6) |
No |
77.7 (74.4–80.6) |
87.8 (84.9–90.2) |
Condom use during last sexual intercourse†††,§§§,††††,¶¶¶¶ | ||
Yes |
80.5 (75.8–84.5) |
90.4 (87.4–92.8) |
No |
72.3 (66.3–77.7) |
80.9 (76.3–84.7) |
Highly or moderately effective hormonal contraceptive method use during last sexual intercourse***** | ||
Yes |
75.4 (69.5–80.5) |
85.5 (77.6–90.9) |
No |
76.7 (69.9–82.4) |
87.8 (84.4–90.6) |
Condoms as primary contraceptive method during last sexual intercourse§§§,*****,§§§§§ | ||
Yes |
79.1 (71.7–84.9) |
90.4 (87.0–93.0) |
No |
72.6 (67.5–77.2) |
83.2 (78.6–86.9) |
Received STI testing during the past 12 months¶¶¶¶¶ | ||
Yes |
73.8 (63.3–82.2) |
81.3 (68.5–89.7) |
No | 74.4 (71.6–77.0) | 85.1 (82.3–87.5) |
Abbreviation: STI = sexually transmitted infection.
* N = 20,103 respondents. The total number of students answering each question varied. Data might be missing because 1) the question did not appear in that student’s questionnaire, 2) the student did not answer the question, or 3) the response was set to missing because of an out-of-range response or logical inconsistency. Percentages in each category are calculated on the known data.
† Unweighted counts indicating denominators for females and males for each experience of sexual violence and sexual behavior. The total number of students answering each question varied. Percentages in each category were calculated on the known data.
§ Prevalence of asking for sexual consent verbally was among those who ever had sexual contact. The total (N = 5,492 [2,662 females and 2,806 males]) is unweighted.
¶ Weighted.
** Includes 2,551 female and 2,755 male respondents.
†† Among students who dated or went out with someone during the 12 months before the survey.
§§ Includes 2,482 female and 2,709 male respondents.
¶¶ Includes 2,615 female and 2,770 male respondents.
*** Includes 2,646 female and 2,780 male respondents.
††† Pairwise t-tests were conducted to determine whether prevalence of asking for sexual consent verbally differed by each experience of sexual violence and sexual behavior among females. Differences are statistically significant at p<0.05.
§§§ Pairwise t-tests were conducted to determine whether prevalence of asking for sexual consent verbally differed by each experience of sexual violence and sexual behavior among males. Differences are statistically significant at p<0.05.
¶¶¶ Includes 2,626 female and 2,767 male respondents.
**** Includes 2,527 female and 2,675 male respondents.
†††† Among students who ever had sexual intercourse.
§§§§ Includes 1,873 female and 2,025 male respondents.
¶¶¶¶ Includes 1,794 female and 1,962 male respondents.
***** For use of highly or moderately effective hormonal contraceptive method and condom as primary contraceptive method, sample was restricted to those who ever had sexual intercourse with an opposite-sex partner.
††††† Includes 1,148 female and 1,198 male respondents.
§§§§§ Includes 1,668 female and 1,882 male respondents.
¶¶¶¶¶ Includes 2,600 female and 2,724 male respondents.