Figure 1.
Development of cannabis plants under different photoperiods. Long day (LD – 18 h/6 h, short day (SD – 12 h/12 h. A, Plant after 1 week of growth under LD. Bar = 2 cm. B, Plant after 1 week of growth under SD. Bar = 2 cm. C, Stem elongation during 30 days of plant growth under LD and SD. D, Lateral branch length after 30 days of plant growth under LD and SD (measured for branches from node numbers: 1, 5, 10, 15, 20; n = 3–5). E, Plant after 30 days of growth under LD. Bar = 20 cm. F, Plant after 30 days of growth under SD. Bar = 10 cm. Significant differences were assessed by unpaired t-test; *, **, ***, ****P ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, and 0.0001, respectively. Presented data are averages ± SE.