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. 2024 Nov 14;64(5):2401110. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01110-2024


Demographics and baseline clinical characteristics

Placebo (n=41) MK-5475 32 µg (n=42) MK-5475 100 µg (n=44) MK-5475 380 µg (n=41) Total (N=168)
Age, years
 Median (range) 51.0 (19–73) 50.5 (18–75) 51.0 (19–74) 48.0 (18–75) 51.0 (18–75)
 Mean±sd 52.1±12.7 48.1±16.9 51.7±14.2 47.6±15.9 49.9±15.0
 Female 28 (68.3) 34 (81.0) 32 (72.7) 30 (73.2) 124 (73.8)
 Male 13 (31.7) 8 (19.0) 12 (27.3) 11 (26.8) 44 (26.2)
 White 32 (78.0) 34 (81.0) 41 (93.2) 36 (87.8) 143 (85.1)
 Black or African American 2 (4.9) 3 (7.1) 1 (2.3) 1 (2.4) 7 (4.2)
 Asian 3 (7.3) 1 (2.4) 0 0 4 (2.4)
 Native American or Alaska native 3 (7.3) 0 0 0 3 (1.8)
 Multiple 1 (2.4) 4 (9.5) 2 (4.5) 4 (9.8) 11 (6.5)
Body mass index, kg·m−2 26.5# (18.7–40.6) 29.3 (17.7–39.6) 25.4 (18.5–38.0) 25.9 (19.3–39.2) 26.2 (17.7–40.6)
Time since PAH diagnosis, years 5.0 (0.0–34.0) 5.5 (0.0–27.0) 4.6 (0.3–26.0) 4.0 (0.3–36.0) 4.8 (0.0–36.0)
Classification of PAH
 Idiopathic 32 (78.0) 25 (59.5) 27 (61.4) 23 (56.1) 107 (63.7)
 Heritable 4 (9.8) 5 (11.9) 5 (11.4) 4 (9.8) 18 (10.7)
 Drug- or toxin-induced 0 3 (7.1) 0 1 (2.4) 4 (2.4)
 CTD-PAH 3 (7.3) 7 (16.7) 11 (25.0) 10 (24.4) 31 (18.5)
 CHD-PAH 2 (4.9) 2 (4.8) 1 (2.3) 3 (7.3) 8 (4.8)
WHO functional class
 II 27 (65.9) 27 (64.3) 28 (63.6) 26 (63.4) 108 (64.3)
 III/IV 14 (34.1) 15 (35.7) 16 (36.4) 15 (36.6) 60 (35.7)
Background PAH therapy
 Monotherapy 8 (19.5) 8 (19.0) 6 (13.6) 3 (7.3) 25 (14.9)
 Double therapy 14 (34.1) 15 (35.7) 23 (52.3) 24 (58.5) 76 (45.2)
 Triple therapy 19 (46.3) 19 (45.2) 15 (34.1) 14 (34.1) 67 (39.9)
 PDE5i 38 (92.7) 39 (92.9) 42 (95.5) 38 (92.7) 157 (93.5)
 ERA 32 (78.0) 33 (78.6) 38 (86.4) 38 (92.7) 141 (83.9)
 Oral prostacyclin 11 (26.8) 12 (28.6) 9 (20.5) 7 (17.1) 39 (23.2)
i.v./s.c. prostacyclin 12 (29.3) 11 (26.2) 8 (18.2) 10 (24.4) 41 (24.4)
6MWD, m 406.9±71.0 378.7±77.1 403.1±65.1 389.5±71.2 394.6±71.4
NT-proBNP, pg·mL−1 604.9±902.7 621.0±1419.9 859.3±1796.9 632.0±1134.6 682.1±1354.1
PVR, WU 7.8±3.6 8.6±3.7 9.0±4.7 9.1±5.8 8.7±4.5
Mean RAP, mmHg 8.0±3.3 7.7±4.0 8.1±4.1 8.9±5.8 8.1±4.4
Mean PAP, mmHg 46.3±11.6 48.9±11.9 49.9±14.6 49.8±17.6 48.8±14.1
PAWP, mmHg 10.6±3.3 9.9±3.9 10.8±3.3 10.6±3.0 10.5±3.4
Cardiac output, L·min−1 5.0±1.3 4.8±1.4 4.7±1.2 5.0±1.7 4.9±1.4
Cardiac index, L·min−1·m−2 2.8±0.8 2.6±0.9 2.6±0.7 2.8±0.9 2.7±0.8
Stroke volume index, mL·m−2 37.1±10.6 36.0±11.8 36.6±8.8 38.8±12.3 37.1±10.9
PAC, mL·mmHg−1 1.5±0.5 1.5±0.6 1.4±0.4 1.8±1.1 1.6±0.7
SVR, WU 16.8±4.8 17.7±5.0 17.7±5.6 16.8±6.7 17.3±5.6
SvO2, % 69.3±7.8 70.2±6.3+ 68.8±7.2+ 68.4±7.3 69.2±7.1
SaO2, % 94.4±4.4§ 94.4±3.1§ 94.3±3.5§ 93.8±5.4 94.2±4.2
SBP, mmHg 112.5±13.5 113.1±15.6 114.6±11.0 108.2±12.7 112.1±13.4

Data are presented as n (%), median (range) or mean±sd, unless otherwise indicated. PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension; CHD-PAH: congenital heart disease-associated PAH; CTD-PAH: connective tissue disease-associated PAH; WHO: World Health Organization; PDE5i: phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors; ERA: endothelin receptor antagonists; 6MWD: 6-min walk distance; NT-proBNP: N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide; PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance; WU: Wood units; RAP: right atrial pressure; PAP: pulmonary arterial pressure; PAWP: pulmonary artery wedge pressure; PAC: pulmonary arterial compliance; SVR: systemic vascular resistance; SvO2: mixed venous oxygen saturation; SaO2: arterial oxygen saturation; SBP: systolic blood pressure. #: one participant in the placebo group had missing data for body mass index; : none of the participants had WHO functional class IV at the time of randomisation; +: one participant in the MK-5475 32 µg and two participants in the MK-5475 100 µg groups had missing data for SvO2; §: three participants in the placebo, two participants in the MK-5475 32 µg, and two participants in the MK-5475 100 µg groups had missing data for SaO2.