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. 2024 Jul 4;12(9):6720–6734. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.4278


Frequency of mentioned attributes for the four different sausage samples.

Attributes p‐value Castrated Non‐castrated Non‐castrated F6% Non‐castrated F3%
Dark .009 20b 12ab 6a 8a
Bright .274 36 33 35 24
Animal cruelty .001 40b 17a 13a 32b
Dry .001 17b 34c 10ab 5a
Fatty .001 84d 45c 5a 24b
Light .001 11a 9a 29b 26b
Matte .001 8a 43b 5a 41b
Healthy .001 12a 62b 13a 12a
Juiciness .001 52c 8a 35b 30b
Appetizing .001 59c 15a 32b 16a
Little fat .003 11a 33b 22ab 29b
Unhealthy .001 50b 8a 13a 17a
Expensive .001 4a 19b 48c 33bc
Animal friendly .001 4a 11ab 23bc 25c
Unpleasant .001 15a 8a 35b 41b
Cheap .001 27b 12a 34b 7a

Note: Castrated: sausage made from castrated pork, with 30% pork back fat, and 70% lean ham, made with a traditional recipe. Non‐castrated: sausage made from entire, non‐castrated pork, with 30% pork back fat and 70% lean ham. Non‐castrated F6%: sausages made from non‐castrated pork, with 20% pork back fat, 6% (w/w) inulin, and 0.5% (w/w) β‐glucan. Non‐castrated F3%: sausages made from non‐castrated pork, with 20% pork back fat, 3% (w/w) inulin, 1% (w/w) β‐glucan, and 0.5% (w/w) grape skin. Different superscripts (a; b; c) between products indicate significant (p ≤ .05) differences according to Cochran's Q test.