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. 2024 Nov 1;6(6):fcae380. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae380

Table 5.

Co-localization results for lung function measures and cognitive traits

Gene Lung function trait Cognitive trait Highest PP SNP Linkage disequilibrium (R2)
CSNK2B FEV1/FVC Fluid intelligence H4: 0.976 rs9267531
Pairs matching H4: 0.911 rs9267531
FVC Fluid intelligence H4: 0.995a rs9267531
H3: 0.948a rs3117578 & rs9267531 0.02
Pairs matching H4: 0.946a rs9267531
H3: 0.941a rs3117578 & rs9267531 0.02
NFATC3 FEV1/FVC Fluid intelligence H4: 0.802a rs548092276 & rs11275011 0.85b
ITGAV FEV1/FVC Pairs matching H4: 0.678 rs2084448c
KAT8 FVC Pairs matching H4: 0.829 rs138259061
Alzheimer’s diseased H3: 0.989 rs1978487, rs11865499e 0.23
PTCH1 FVC Reaction time H3: 0.960a rs113154802, rs539078574 0.13
Fluid intelligence H3: 0.999a rs113154802, rs28496034 0.19
FEV1/FVC Reaction time H4: 0.527a rs2297086 & rs539078574 0.54
H3: 0.960a rs75614054, rs539078574 0.13
Fluid intelligence H3: 0.601a rs2297086, rs28496034 0.86
H3: 0.999a rs75614054, rs28496034 0.19
SERPINC1 FVC Reaction time H3: 0.612a rs2227603, rs2227592 0.003

Highlighted in bold are variants with evidence for co-localization where the variants for each trait in the co-localization pair were either the same (a high gene PP.H4 and a high SNP PP.H4: variants in CSNK2B1 and KAT8) or distinct but with correlated signals (high SNP PP.H4 for the pair by coloc-SuSiE: variants in NFATC3 and PTCH1 separated by ‘&’).

aBy SuSiE-coloc.

bVariants rs548092276 and rs11275011 are not in 1000G reference panel (GRCh37 and GRCh38), so R2 is reported based on data for the two variants in UKB.

cSNP PP.H4 = 18.8% (the highest reported for variants in ITGAV), not large enough to form a co-localization case.

dFrom GWAS meta-analysis.

eVariants detected by fine mapping (the highest PP) as SuSiE did not operate for KAT8.