Quantitative expression analysis of the ECM components showing a positive staining signal using histochemical and immunohistochemical methods in control human native corneas (CTR-C), control human native scleral limbi (CTR-L), and human artificial corneas (HAC). INT, signal intensity for each analysis method; AF, area fraction (percentage of tissue area occupied by positive signal for each analysis method). Columns to the left show averages and standard deviations, whereas statistical p values for the pairwise comparisons are shown to the right. PSR, picrosirius red histochemical method for collagen fibers; COL-I, immunohistochemistry for type-I collagen; AB, alcian blue histochemistry for proteoglycans; DCN, immunohistochemistry for decorin; KER, immunohistochemistry for keratocan; LUM, immunohistochemistry for lumican. Statistically significant differences are highlighted with asterisks (*)