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. 2024 Aug 17;83(12):e225868. doi: 10.1136/ard-2024-225868

Table 2. Random forests classification metrics in cross-validation.

Classification task* Validation method Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity PPV NPV
Active GCA versus controls 10-fold CV 95.0% 96.7% 93.3% 96.7% 93.5%
Inactive GCA versus controls 10-fold CV 98.3% 100% 96.7% 100% 96.8%
Active GCA versus inactive GCA Leave-one-patient-out 51.7% 46.7% 56.7% 51.5% 51.9%

Classification tasks were performed using the default configurations of the random forest classifier from the sci-kit learn library (version V.1.3.2) in Python. Classification metrics were calculated as the ratio of total correct predictions to total predictions, as defined for each metric, across each fold of cross-validation method.; PPV, ; NPV, .

GCAgiant cell arteritisNPVnegative predictive valuePPVpositive predictive value