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[Preprint]. 2024 Nov 2:2024.10.31.621444. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.10.31.621444

Fig. 4. Location of the echinenone or canthaxanthin molecule in the A. panamensis PSI structure.

Fig. 4.

(A) A. panamensis PSI trimer shown from a stromal view. Boxes near the monomer-monomer interfaces designate the echinenone or canthaxanthin locations. The top right box corresponds to the magnification. In the magnification, the echinenone or canthaxanthin is highlighted in yellow and the nearby Chl B1801 is labeled. (B) Model within the sharpened map of the echinenone or canthaxanthin headgroup nearby Chl B1801. (C) Scans of cryo-EM map signal corresponding to the yellow highlighted dotted lines in panel B. The X-axis is reported in units of Å.