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. 2024 Oct 15;16(10):e71570. doi: 10.7759/cureus.71570

Table 1. The patient's lab results at presentation.

Bolded text are values in the abnormal range.

MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; RDW: red cell distribution width; MPV: mean platelet volume; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate

Component Value Normal range
Complete blood count
White blood cell count 9.4 4.5-11.0 k/mm3
Red blood cell count 4.71 4.00-5.20 m/mm3
Hemoglobin 12.8 12.0-16.0 g/dL
Hematocrit 39.4 36.0-46.0%
MCV 83.8 80.0-100.0 fL
MCH 27.3 27.0-33.0 pg
MCHC 32.5 32.0-36.0%
RDW 14.9 0.0-14.7%
MPV 8.8 6.8-10.0 fL
Platelet count 206 130-400 k/mm3
Basic metabolic panel
Sodium 140 136-145 mmol/L
Potassium 4.3 3.4-5.1 mmol/L
Chloride 103 98-107 mmol/L
Carbon dioxide total 25 22-29 mmol/L
Anion gap 12 7-15 mmol/L
Urea nitrogen, blood (BUN) 15 6-20 mg/dL
Creatinine serum  0.59 0.51-1.17 mg/dL
Glucose  140 74-109 mg/dL
Calcium 9.7 8.6-10.0 mg/dL
e-GFR creatinine (female) 7.4 >30 mL/min/1.73m*2
Collection  Clean catch  
Color Yellow None/yellow
Clarity Clear Clear
pH Urine 5 4.8-7.8
Occult blood urine Negative Negative 
Bilirubin urine Negative Negative
Ketones 80 Negative
Glucose urine Negative Negative
Protein urine Negative Negative
Urobilinogen Negative Negative
Nitrite urine Negative Negative
Leukocyte esterase Negative Negative
Microscopic  Not indicated Not indicated
Urine culture  Not indicated Not indicated
Hepatic function panel
Protein 7.4 6.6-8.7 g/dL
Albumin 4.3 4.0-4.9 g/dL
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 78 35-129 U/L
Aspartate transaminase (AST) 14 ≤41 U/L
Bilirubin total 0.5 0.0-0.3 mg/dL
Alanine transferase (ALT) 10 ≤33 U/L
Bilirubin direct 0.2 0.0-0.3 mg/dL
Lipase 14 13-60 U/L
Troponin T  <6 ≤19 ng/L
Lactic acid 0.9 0.5-2.2 mmol/L