Table 6.
State | Legislation | Minimum consumption (m3/day) |
Amapá | Law 2656/2022 | 10.000 |
Amazonas | Law 5420/2021 | 10.000 |
Bahia | AGERBA Resolution 14/2021 | 10.000 |
Ceará | Law 17.897/2022 | 10.000 |
Espírito Santo | ARSP Resolution 046/2021 | 10.000 |
Maranhão | Law 11662/2022, and Law 9.102/2009 | 100.000 |
Mato Grosso | Law 7.939/2003 and Decree 1.760/2003 | 1.000.000 |
Mato Grosso do Sul | AGEPAN Order 103/2013 | 150.000 (industry), 500.000 (power) 1.000.000 (others) |
Minas Gerais | SEDE Resolution 32/2021 | 5.000 |
Pará | Decree 1771/2017 | 500.000 |
Paraíba | Law 12.142/2021 | 50.000 |
Paraná | Law 247/2022 | 100.000 (power); for other consumers, the minimum is 10.000 m³/d (since May 2022) |
Pernambuco | Law 17.641/2022 | 10.000 to 50.000 |
Piauí | Law 7.686/2021 | 10.000 |
Rio de Janeiro | AGENERSA Order 4068/2020 and 4142/2020 | 10.000 |
Rio Grande do Norte | Law 11.190/2022 | 5.000 |
Rio Grande do Sul | AGERGS Resolution 68/2023 | No minimum consumption exists, but the consumer cannot be in the commercial or residential categories. |
São Paulo | ARSESP Order 1.061/2020 | No minimum consumption exists; however, the consumer cannot be in the commercial or residential categories as disciplined in the concession agreement. |
Santa Catarina | ARESC Resolution 136/2019 | 10.000 |
Sergipe | AGRESE Resolution 19/2022 | 10.000 |