Fig. 3. Conserved residues in E. coli AmpG.
a Sequence conservation logo created using 2936 sequences identified from EVcouplings with a bitscore of 0.7. Plotted in WebLogo3 with key motifs and features annotated (see methods). b Binding cavity interactions with the sugar moiety of DDM. c Conserved titratable residues on the C-terminal helical repeat. Glu326 and Asp238 form a conserved carboxyl-carboxylate pair coordinated next to Lys235. d Conserved titratable residues on the N-terminal helical repeat. Motif A Asp70 coordinated by Arg79 and Arg80 interacting with TM11 helix dipole and substrate binding site Lys132, Asp129, and Asp125. e “Foot-in-the-door” motif, which stabilizes the C-terminal helical bundle and helps create the hydrophobic vestibule.