Fig. 4.
Behavioral phenotype after injecting χ-AuId into A. californica and images of C. bandanus envenomation progression. Video traces of the Aplysia body position showing the path traveled over a 15 min period after injection with: a) saline control, b) 0.01 nmol serotonin (5-HT), and c) 10 nmol χ-AuId. d) Quantification of the distance traveled (in number of pixels). The bar for each treatment (n = 3, open circles) represents the distance traveled over a 5 min period (see inset). The P-values are: χ-AuId (0 to 5 min, P = 0.0067; 5 to 10 min, P = 0.0459; 10 to 15 min, P = 5.7E-5), 5-HT (0 to 5 min, P = 0.006; 5 to 10 min, P = 0.02; 10 to 15 min, P = 0.084). Error bars represent standard deviation. e) to g) series of photographs showing events of C. bandanus envenomation of a prey snail. e) Conus bandanus envenomates prey. f) Prey tries to withdraw into the shell (note the operculum almost sealing off the shell). g) Minutes later, the prey emerges straight into the rostrum (false mouth) of C. bandanus.