Figure 3.
Analysis of regulatory patterns
(A) Relationship between sample size and the # of detected eQTLs. The numbers on the line represent π1 between two populations.
(B) Effect sizes for common (MAF > 1%) sentinel cis-eQTLs across EAS and AA compared to EUR populations.
(C) Comparison of MAF between population-shared and non-EUR specific eSNPs. The mean MAF has been labeled under the x axis. "NS" stands for not significant, and "∗∗∗" indicates a p value < 0.01.
(D) Down-sampling results to estimate π1 between non-European and European eQTLs.
(E) Example of opposite effect eQTL TAS2R31-chr12:11282501A>G. The x axis represented the genotype. The y axis represented the normalized expression of TAS2R31.