Representative immunohistochemical images denoting laminin staining in (a) male noninjured, (b) male ACL-deficient, (c) female noninjured, and (d) female ACL-deficient limbs. (e) Quantification of mean quadriceps fiber CSA in female and male participants after ACL-injury. (f) Percent difference in fiber CSA between ACL-deficient and noninjured limbs in female and male participants. Negative percent difference indicates larger CSA of the noninjured limb. *P = 0.05, ***P < 0.01 from post hoc tests, **P = 0.02 from interaction effect of sex and injury. N = 25 male, 24 female participants. ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; CSA, cross-sectional area; NON, noninjured limb.