Section 2: Socio-economic and demographic details of symptomatic individuals during March-June 2021 |
SN |
Questions |
Coding categories |
Codes |
Skip to |
How old were you on your last birthday? |
Age in completed years |
What is your gender? |
Male |
1 |
Female |
2 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
What is your religion? |
Hindu |
1 |
Muslim |
2 |
Sikh |
3 |
Christian |
4 |
Buddhist/neo-buddhist |
5 |
Jain |
6 |
Jewish |
7 |
Parsi |
8 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
What is your caste or tribe? |
Scheduled caste |
1 |
Scheduled tribe |
2 |
Other backward caste |
3 |
General |
4 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
What was your marital status during March to June 2021? |
Married |
1 |
Divorced |
2 |
Separated |
3 |
Widowed |
4 |
Never married |
5 |
Widower |
6 |
Don’t want to tell |
98 |
Can you read and write? |
Yes, can read and write |
1 |
►110 |
Yes, can read |
2 |
No |
3 |
109. |
What is the highest schooling standard that you have completed? INSTRUCTIONS: Code exact number of years of schooling. |
Standard |
Technical education after 10th Class |
1 |
Graduate |
2 |
Postgraduate |
3 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
What was your main occupation before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020? (i.e., Work in which maximum time is given) |
Self‐employed in agriculture/ fishery/orchard/animal husbandry |
1 |
Self-employed in non-agriculture (like stitching, handy craft, business shop) |
2 |
Regular salaried in government sector |
3 |
Regular salaried in private sector |
4 |
Daily wage labor |
5 |
Casual wage labor in public works (e.g., MGNREGA) |
6 |
Casual labor in agriculture |
7 |
Casual labor in non‐agriculture other than public works |
8 |
Traditional service occupation (Cobbler, Dhobi, Barber) |
9 |
Unpaid family worker in agriculture/fishery/orchard/animal husbandry |
10 |
Unpaid family worker in non-agriculture |
11 |
Homemaker |
12 |
Unemployed |
13 |
Retired |
14 |
Student |
15 |
Other (please specify) |
99 |
How has your occupational status changed after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020? |
No Change occurred; everything is same as before |
1 |
Occupation is lost and still searching for occupation |
2 |
Occupation was lost but regained it before the second wave. |
3 |
The occupation was lost but started a new occupation before the second wave. |
4 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
What was your average monthly income? INSTRUCTIONS: Please mention the average income in a month. |
During January-March 2020 Rs. |
During January-March 2021 Rs. |
Do not know |
98 |
What was the average monthly income of all the members of your household? INSTRUCTIONS: Please mention the average income in a month. |
During January-March 2020 Rs. |
During January-March 2021 Rs. |
Do not know |
98 |
During the second wave, what was the total number of people living in your household? |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
More than 5 |
6 |
Do you read a newspaper? |
Almost every day |
1 |
Not at all |
2 |
Sometimes |
3 |
Do you watch television? |
Almost every day |
1 |
Not at all |
2 |
Sometimes |
3 |
Do you use internet on your mobile phone? |
Almost every day |
1 |
Not at all |
2 |
Sometimes |
3 |
Where have you been taking health services normally for the last 5 years? |
Government hospitals & centers |
1 |
Private hospitals & nursing homes |
2 |
Qualified solo private doctor |
3 |
Traditional healers |
4 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
How many times did you get troubled by the following problems between March and June 2021? INSTRUCTIONS: Not at all-0, Several days-1, More than half a day-2, Nearly every day-3 |
Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge |
0/1/2/3 |
Not being able to stop or control worrying |
0/1/2/3 |
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless |
0/1/2/3 |
Little interest or pleasure in doing things |
0/1/2/3 |
Have you been smoking cigarettes, bidis or any other tobacco products regularly for the last three years? |
Yes |
1 |
No |
2 |
Do not want to tell |
98 |
Are you suffering from any of the following diseases which are being treated for the last three years? INSTRUCTIONS: Multiple responses are possible. [Yes-1, No-2, Not sure-3] |
Heart disease |
1/2/3 |
Diabetes |
1/2/3 |
Lung disease |
1/2/3 |
Kidney disease |
1/2/3 |
Cancer |
1/2/3 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
Has any member of your house died between March 2021 to June 2021? |
Yes |
1 |
►127 |
No |
Do not know |
98 |
Where did this death take place? |
Government hospital |
1 |
Private hospital |
2 |
At home |
3 |
During transportation |
4 |
Other places (please specify) |
99 |
Do not know |
98 |
Was the deceased suffering from these new symptoms before death? |
Fever |
1/2/3 |
Cough |
1/2/3 |
Mild or moderate difficulty in breathing |
1/2/3 |
Whether the deceased was tested for COVID-19? |
Yes |
1 |
►127 |
No |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
What was the COVID-19 test result of diseased? |
Positive |
1 |
Negative |
2 |
Equivocal |
3 |
Repeat sample |
4 |
Report was not received |
5 |
Do not know |
98 |
Section 3: Factors associated with the access to and utilization of COVID-19 test |
Do you agree that fever, cough and mild or moderate difficulty in breathing were symptoms related to COVID-19? |
Strongly agree |
1 |
Agree |
2 |
Neither agree nor disagree |
3 |
Disagree |
4 |
Strongly disagree |
5 |
When you were suffering from these symptoms, were you able to do your daily routine activities without any support? |
Yes |
1 |
No |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
Did you need to be hospitalized? |
Yes |
1 |
►132 |
No |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
Did you have to be hospitalized? |
Yes |
1 |
►132 |
No |
2 |
If you needed to be hospitalised, why weren't you admitted to the hospital? |
Could not get support of family members for hospitalization |
1 |
Hospital with available beds not found |
2 |
Fear of adverse outcome of hospital admission |
3 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
Were people you knew getting tested when they were suffering from these symptoms? |
Yes |
1 |
No |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
What was your view on the availability of government testing facilities for COVID-19? Instruction: Multiple responses are possible |
It was available for everyone who needed it |
1 |
It was available for symptomatic persons only |
2 |
It was available to those who came in contact with confirmed cases |
3 |
It was available for seriously ill patients only |
4 |
It was available for rich and influential people only |
5 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
How reliable was the COVID-19 test in your opinion? |
Very reliable |
1 |
Reliable |
2 |
Neither reliable nor unreliable |
3 |
Unreliable |
4 |
Very unreliable |
5 |
How useful was the COVID-19 test in knowing the level of infection? |
Very useful |
1 |
Useful |
2 |
Neither useful nor useless |
3 |
Useless |
4 |
Totally useless |
5 |
How useful was the COVID-19 test in preventing the spread of infection? |
Very useful |
1 |
Useful |
2 |
Neither useful nor useless |
3 |
Useless |
4 |
Totally useless |
5 |
How useful was the COVID-19 test for treatment? |
Very useful |
1 |
Useful |
2 |
Neither useful nor useless |
3 |
Useless |
4 |
Totally useless |
5 |
How nervous were you at the thought of getting tested for COVID-19? |
Very nervous |
1 |
Nervous |
2 |
Neither nervous nor relaxed |
3 |
Relaxed |
4 |
Very relaxed |
5 |
How embarrassing was it to get tested for COVID-19? |
Very embarrassing |
1 |
Embarrassing |
2 |
Neither Embarrassing nor convenient |
3 |
Convenient |
4 |
Very convenient |
5 |
Which samples were being taken for the COVID-19 test? Instruction: Multiple responses are possible |
Blood |
1 |
Urine |
2 |
Stool |
3 |
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) |
4 |
Nasopharyngeal swab |
5 |
Do not know |
98 |
How is the COVID-19 sample collection process? |
Painless |
1 |
Slightly painful |
2 |
Did not know |
3 |
Moderately painful |
4 |
Very painful |
5 |
How were you feeling about getting a positive result of COVID-19? |
Very scared |
1 |
Scared |
2 |
Did not know |
3 |
Calm |
4 |
Very calm |
5 |
How afraid were you of losing work if you tested COVID-19 positive? |
Very scared |
1 |
Scared |
2 |
Did not know |
3 |
Calm |
4 |
Very calm |
5 |
What type of information is usually required for the COVID-19 test? INSTRUCTIONS ; Multiple responses are possible |
Who was eligible for COVID-19 test? |
1 |
When should I get tested for the COVID-19? |
2 |
How can I get tested for COVID-19? |
3 |
Where are the COVID-19 testing services available near me? |
4 |
What is the cost of the COVID-19 test? |
5 |
What types of tests are available for COVID-19? |
6 |
Which COVID-19 test is most accurate? |
7 |
Other (please specify) |
99 |
Did you get this information? |
Yes |
1 |
►147 |
No |
2 |
What were the main sources of this information? INSTRUCTIONS: Multiple responses are possible. |
Television channels |
1 |
Daily newspapers |
2 |
Websites or online news pages |
3 |
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp) |
4 |
Search engines (e.g., Google) |
5 |
Conversations with family and friends |
6 |
Conversations with colleagues |
7 |
Consultation with family physician |
8 |
Government campaigns |
9 |
Government call centre |
10 |
Government hospitals or centres |
11 |
Advisories issued by the government |
12 |
Elected public representatives |
13 |
Civil societies/NGOs |
14 |
Other sources (please specify) |
99 |
Where were the COVID-19 testing facilities available near you? INSTRUCTIONS: Multiple responses are possible. Yes-1, No-2, Not sure-3 |
Public sector hospital |
GOVT. Dispensary/Hospital |
1/2/3 |
Urban Community/Primary Health Centre |
1/2/3 |
CHC/Block PHC |
1/2/3 |
Sub-Centre |
1/2/3 |
Health & Wellness Centre |
1/2/3 |
Govt. Mobile Clinic |
1/2/3 |
Camp |
1/2/3 |
Anganwadi/ICDS Centre |
1/2/3 |
Asha |
1/2/3 |
Other community-based members |
1/2/3 |
Other Public Sector Health Facility (please specify) |
1/2/3 |
NGO Or Trust Hospital/Clinic |
1/2/3 |
Private health sector |
Private Hospital/ Clinic /Doctor |
1/2/3 |
Private laboratories |
1/2/3 |
Other private sector health facility (please specify) |
1/2/3 |
How far was this COVID-19 testing facility from your house? |
Less than 1 Km |
1 |
1 to 2 Km |
2 |
2 to 3 Km |
3 |
3 to 4 Km |
4 |
4 to 5 Km |
5 |
More than 5 Km |
6 |
Do not know |
98 |
Was public transport like bus, auto available to reach this COVID-19 testing centre? |
Yes |
1 |
No |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
What was the cost of the COVID-19 test? |
It was free in the government sector |
1 |
It was not free in government sector |
2 |
It was free in private sector |
3 |
It was not free in private sector |
4 |
It was at a capped price in the private sector |
5 |
Do not know |
98 |
How easy or difficult the entire process of getting the COVID-19 test was? |
Very easy |
1 |
Easy |
2 |
Neither easy nor difficult |
3 |
Difficult |
4 |
Very difficult |
5 |
What were the chances that you would have got the COVID-19 test done? |
Very unlikely |
1 |
Unlikely |
2 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
3 |
Likely |
4 |
Very likely |
5 |
When did you decide about the COVID-19 test? |
Within one day of developing first symptom |
1 |
Second day of developing first symptom |
2 |
Third day of developing first symptom |
3 |
Fourth day of developing first symptom |
4 |
Fifth day of developing first symptom |
5 |
Sixth day of developing first symptom |
6 |
Seventh day of developing first symptom |
7 |
After seventh day of developing first symptom |
8 |
Never made a decision |
9 |
Decided but don't remember when. |
98 |
What was your decision about the COVID-19 test? |
Will be tested |
1 |
Will not be tested |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
What influenced you to make this decision? |
Advise of government doctor |
1 |
Advise of private doctor |
2 |
Health workers advice |
3 |
advice from family members |
4 |
friends advice |
5 |
Past COVID-19 patient advice |
6 |
Mass media campaign |
7 |
Health campaign |
8 |
Nobody |
9 |
Other (please specify) |
99 |
Did you try for the COVID-19 test? |
Yes |
1 |
►158 |
No |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
What did you try to get the COVID-19 test done? INSTRUCTIONS: Multiple responses are possible. |
Visited hospitals/health centres |
1 |
Visited COVID-19 testing unit/s |
2 |
Visited COVID-19 testing camp/campaign |
3 |
Contacted COVID call centre |
4 |
Contacted healthcare worker |
5 |
Contacted social worker |
6 |
Other (please specify) |
99 |
Why didn't you try for the COVID-19 test? |
I thought I was not sick enough for test |
1 |
was advised to isolate myself instead of going for test |
2 |
My health condition was not good enough to go to a testing unit |
3 |
There was no one to help me reach the testing unit |
4 |
I thought the test was useless because there was no treatment for COVID-19 |
5 |
Other (please specify) |
99 |
Were you tested for COVID-19? |
Yes |
1 |
►162 |
No |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
Why haven't you been tested? |
I was told that I was not eligible for the test |
1 |
I was told that the staff was not available for testing |
2 |
I was told that the logistics are not available for testing |
3 |
waited for more than five hours and therefore came back home without testing |
4 |
There was a lot of crowd at the testing center, so I came back without getting tested |
5 |
Other (please specify) |
99 |
What did you do after not having a COVID-19 test despite trying or waiting? |
Tried again for the test |
1 |
Did not try again for the test |
2 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
If you were tested, please let me know when. |
The test was done within a day of trying for the test |
1 |
The test is done on the second day of trying the test |
2 |
The test is done on the third day of trying the test |
3 |
The test is done on the fourth day of trying the test |
4 |
The test is done on the fifth day of trying the test |
5 |
The test is done on the sixth day of trying the test |
6 |
The test is done on the seventh day of trying the test |
7 |
The test is done after the seventh day of trying the test |
8 |
Test done but not remembering when |
9 |
Please tell me the waiting time between arrival and sample collection at the COVID-19 testing unit. |
One hour |
1 |
1 to 2 hours |
2 |
2 to 3 hours |
3 |
3 to 4 hours |
4 |
4 to 5 hours |
5 |
More than five hours |
6 |
Where were you tested? |
Government sector |
1 |
Private sector |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
Can you tell us which test was done? Instruction: Multiple responses possible |
Rapid Antigen Test |
1 |
2 |
3 |
TrueNat |
4 |
Do not know |
98 |
Did you pay for COVID-19 test? |
No |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
Do not know |
98 |
If yes, please tell the amount in Rs. |
Amount in Rs. |
What was the COVID-19 test result? |
Found negative |
1 |
Found positive |
2 |
Equivocal |
3 |
Repeat sample |
4 |
Result not received |
5 |
Do not know |
98 |
When did you get the test result after the sample collection? |
Within 6 hours |
1 |
Within 6 to 12 hours |
2 |
Within 12 to 18 hours |
3 |
Within 18 to 24 hours |
4 |
Within 24 to 48 hours |
5 |
More than 48 hours |
6 |
Never |
7 |
How did you receive the COVID-19 test result? |
From hospital/centre/lab |
1 |
Through a call |
2 |
Through portal |
3 |
Through healthcare worker |
4 |
Others (please specify) |
99 |
How was the behavior of the staff during the COVID-19 testing? |
Very good |
1 |
Good |
2 |
Neither good nor bad |
3 |
Bad |
4 |
Very bad |
5 |
Were COVID-19 appropriate practices like bearing of the mask, social distancing, and sanitization of hands strictly followed in the testing unit? |
Yes |
1 |
No |
2 |
Cannot say |
98 |