Fig. 1.
(a) The semi-automated computed tomographic perfusion (CTP) analysis (left) indicating the infarct core (IC; red area) and the penumbra (PEN; green area) in an individual with M1 occlusion on the left hemisphere. IC and PEN were transferred and outlined as regions of interest (ROIs) to the corresponding plane in the computed tomographic angiography (CTA; right) (IC = light red; PEN = light green). An area of healthy brain parenchyma on the affected side was defined (HA = light blue). Additionally, the ROIs were mirrored to the contralateral healthy side for comparison (mirrored IC = dark red; mirrored PEN = dark green; mirrored HA = dark blue). (b) Representation of the different spectral maps in the same patient with M1 occlusion on the left hemisphere. In the spectral maps, the infarct area can be assessed well in the iodine density (ID) and the MonoE 40 keV map. Visual assessment was best in the ID map, which is therefore displayed as gray/white and additionally in color.