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. 2024 Aug 16;39(1):2372734. doi: 10.1080/14756366.2024.2372734

Table 2.

Diffraction data, its statistical analysis, and parameters of the AdSS structure deposited in the PDB.

Structure H. pylori AdSS with PLP and IMP PDB 8QWA
Resolution range (Å) 29.80–1.85 (1.89–1.85)a
Space group I 1 2 1
Unit cell: a, b, c (Å)
α, β, γ (°)
68.9 61.1 119.3
90.0 98.9 90.0
Total number of reflections 984 730 (32 859)
Number of unique reflections 41 958 (2580)
Multiplicity 23.5 (12.7)
Completeness (%) 100.0 (100.0)
Mean I/σ(I) 48.0 (8.3)
Wilson B factor 12.36
Rmerge 0.049 (0.251)
Rmeas 0.05 (0.261)
Rpim 0.01 (0.073)
Reflections used for refinement 41 870
Reflections used for calculation of Rfree 4135
Rwork 0.166
Rfree 0.201
Atoms without hydrogen atoms for:  
 Macromolecules 3199
 Ligands 49
 Solvent 267
Number of amino acids 402
RMS(bonds) 0.0103
RMS (angles) 1.759
Ramachandran optimal 384 (95.52%)
Ramachandran allowed 16 (3.98%)
Ramachandran outliers 2 (1.43%)
Rotamer outliers (%) 13
Atomic overlapping index 4.6
Average B-factor for:  
 Macromolecules 19.29
 Ligands 29.56
 Solvent 26.7

aStatistical data for the highest resolution shell are given in parenthesis.