Meeting children with burn injuries |
− To just see other people burnt and not just feeling that only you have burns (2012)
− I think it helps because we can talk to people who have experienced the same things (2014)
− It makes you feel like you are not the only person that has been burned (2016)
− It helps to have people around you who have scars like you, you can talk about it if you want to (2018)
− Makes me see that I am not the only one who has been burned (2010)
− Helps you realise you’re not alone and there are people out there who know how you feel and what you’re going through and they can give you advice (2012)
− You meet people who have gone through what you went through, and it helps by talking to them (2016)
− Makes us feel that we are not on our own and there’s other people like us and we can still move on with our life no matter what (2018)
− Meeting other children with burns has helped [Name] realise she’s not the only one (2011)
− He learnt that others have injuries and is less embarrassed, he is less aggressive with family members (2012)
− Meeting other children who had similar experiences and injuries was incredibly important in [Name]’s progress (2016)
− Meeting other children who had experienced the same thing, showing him, he was not alone has helped with anxiety and coming to terms with his accident (2017)
Developing confidence and self- esteem |
− It gives you the confidence to show your scars without feeling intimidated or embarrassed (2011)
− I think burns camp improves our confidence (2015)
− I’ve got a lot more confidence (2017)
− It allows people to feel more confident in themselves and helps them feel less self-conscious (2019)
− Confidence to not be embarrassed by her injuries in public (2010)
− Helped with his confidence and how to cope with bullies at school (2013)
− [Name] gained confidence and seems to be mixing more with other kids rather than playing on her own (2016)
− I noticed a difference in [Name]’s confidence immediately. The child we left to go to camp was anxious, the child we picked up a week later was confident and beaming from the experiences she had had (2018)
Camp programme |
− Lots of fun, good games (2012)
− I got an ice cream, went climbing and got to ride my favourite horse (2016)
− Stay for longer and not wait a year to go again (2019)
− There are loads of well organised activities (2011)
− The activities are incredible (2014)
− The activities and doing things in the camp (2018)